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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Valentyn Pustovoit

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23.12.2003 - 00:00
A photo exhibition presenting best works from The Day’s 2003 Fifth International Photo Contest and prizewinners from the previous years finished in Ivano-Frankivsk. An Audience Choice Prize was also awarded within the framework of the exhibition. Visitors could name the works they liked most,...
05.02.2002 - 00:00
What a monster! Just look at what he did! He got what he had coming, exposed and pilloried. Here he is, folks, a real KGB lord! Imagine, continuing, when the country’s top spy, his cloak-and- dagger deals even in the glorious time of Ukraine’s independence, roping in more and more agents, instead...
15.01.2002 - 00:00
It is no accident that the only all-Ukrainian newspaper holding annual international photo contest is called Den’/The Day. When this name had been chosen, it was assumed that the publication would provide an information imprint of daily events. This proved to be exactly the case. Creating an...
27.11.2001 - 00:00
First a few words about the man. Vasos Karagiorgis headed an antiquities society in Cyprus since 1960, when the island proclaimed independence. Several years as a cultural advisor to the president of the republic, he is a professor, author of 68 books and 350 papers on the history of the Ancient...
23.10.2001 - 00:00
The First International Photo Shop opened in Rivne’s House of Scholars. Among its participants is Oleh Ohorodnyk, one of the prizewinners in The Day’s Day of Millennium photo contest. There are two things registered by the photographers’ cameras that strike you most of all in the exposition....
30.05.2000 - 00:00
The coal-mining industry steadily holds its cheerless leadership in the number of lethal injuries, with the agro-industrial complex ranking second. Tetiana Pomazanova from the Ministry of Emergencies press service told The Day that 148 Ukrainian miners had died on the job since the beginning of...
18.04.2000 - 00:00
Ukrainian science is in dire straits and the research personnel is aging. These are perhaps the two most serious problems facing the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Ukr. abbr., NAN), with the first causing the second. When attending the annual NAN general assembly this year, I had the...
29.02.2000 - 00:00
(Continued from The Day #3 of February 1, 2000) In the second part of our libationary interview with philosopher Serhiy Krymsky, in addition to such topics as drinking and humor, being of vital importance to the human race, we broached an even more global subject: love and friendship....