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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert
Дорогі читачі, ведуться відновлювальні роботи на сайті. Незабаром ми запрацюємо повноцінно!

Zakarpattia Veterans of Czechoslovak Army Corps Remembered

23 April, 2002 - 00:00

Military veterans of the General Ludvik Svoboda corps, currently on the territory of Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Zakarpattia, are administered to by the Legionnaires’ Union of the Czech Republic. Military attachО with the Czech Embassy in Ukraine Miroslav MЯck and his deputy Miroslav PolЗ я cek visited Uzhhorod, Mukacheve, Svaliava, Khust, Tiachev, and Mizhhirya. They presented former Transcarpathian fighters against Hitler with medals of the Czech Republic Defense Ministry commemorating the 55 years since the end of World War II, and gratuities for having fought all the way from the Kharkiv oblast township of Sokolovo to Prague. Their meritorious service was the subject of the discussion at the oblast state administration between the foreign friends and Deputy Governor Fedir Haruta, Military attachО with Ukraine’s Embassy in the Czech Republic Serhiy Zakharov and chairman of the oblast council of war and labor veterans Petro Popovych, reports Vasyl ZUBACH , Uzhhorod.
