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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

President Proposes Ukrainian-Russian Problems Be Solved as They Appear

4 December, 2001 - 00:00

President Leonid Kuchma said on November 29 in Moscow, during his talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, that Ukraine and Russia “should not sweep their current problems under the rug,” UNIAN reports. As the Ukrainian head of state put it, such problems have existed and will continue to do so, and they must be solved as they arise. According to Mr. Putin, today there is every reason to claim that Ukrainian-Russian cooperation is very strong and has good prospects. The Russian president believes the two countries “have achieved progress in the political and economic issues” of their relationship. Mr. Putin thus defined one of the promising areas of cooperation: Russia and Ukraine must join forces to meet their commitments to Western European buyers of energy resources – Russia as a supplier and Ukraine as a transporting agency.

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