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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Larysa Nikonova

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Статті автора

14.04.1998 - 00:00
By Larysa Nikonova, The Day HIV-infected children have become one of today’s bitter realities. Some pity them, others fear them, still others steer clear of them. And no one knows how to help them. Every time the boy appears the marketplace is gripped by panic. “There’s Vasko. He’s...
31.03.1998 - 00:00
By Larysa Nikonova, The Day Zaporizhzhia carried out a major cleanup lasting about four months. Initiated by a local independent consumer experts center, it was aimed at checking the quality of the most popular domestic and imported detergents. 26 brand names were purchased and used to...