1653: Bohdan Khmelnytsky’s troops defeat the Polish army at Zhvanets.
1917: Soviet Russia’s Council of People’s Commissars (Sovnarkom) issues a decree that transfers education from religious jurisdiction to that of the People’s Commissariat of Education.
1924: The Comintern adopts a decision to disband the Ukrainian Communist Party.
1941: The Kyiv organization of the OUN launches underground operations against the Nazis.
1943: Soviet troops launch an offensive to liberate Right-Bank Ukraine and the Crimea from the Nazis.
1982: Ukrainian cargo plane AN-124 (Ruslan) makes its maiden flight.
2004: Polish weekly Wprost proclaims Viktor Yushchenko Person of the Year 2004 for “the greatest influence on our reality, awakening public consciousness in Ukraine, and directing a non-violent revolution, which is the most sophisticated art for a politician.”