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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert
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Olena Skyrta

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Статті автора

27.06.2013 - 11:10
The exhibition can be viewed at the Kyiv National Mu­seum of Russian Art. The ex­hi­bi­tion features 30 art works of the latest period of the artist’s creative career, which are now owned by private collectors.Paintings by Rusudan Pet­­via­sh­vili were...
18.06.2013 - 09:24
The Museum of History of Kyiv has opened an exhibit which presents 80 works by four photographers from Ukraine and Poland. Each photo master is original, but all of them are united by the topic of sport. The Pole Adam Nurkiewicz is the founder of a sports photos agency, whereas his fellow...
06.06.2013 - 10:11
Mass media report that the issues discussed during the meetings concerned the terrorist attacks in Boston and cooperation between Ukraine and the United States in combating cybercrime. However, it is possible that one more issue was on the agenda, which was not covered in the media.One of the key...
05.06.2013 - 18:20
On June 3 the jury announced the winners of the photo contest “Children’s Planet” hosted by Vernadsky Library. According to the organizer of the event Natalia Kompantseva, this is the only competition in the world, which presents photographs made only by female photographers. The...
05.06.2013 - 17:49
“Made in Italy” is the world’s most falsified brand name. The same also applies to foodstuffs. “A great deal of contraband is smuggled into Ukraine from Italy,” says Maurizio CARNEVALE, president of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine. “Smugglers go to...
04.06.2013 - 12:15
It is supposed to be known next week what sanctions the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) will impose on Ukraine. As is known, the Special 301 Report, published in early May, designated Ukraine a Priority Foreign Country (PFC), i.e., the world’s top offender of intellectual...
04.06.2013 - 12:09
How do you picture the world in 20, 50, 100 years? Professor of the New York University Michio Kaku shared his vision of the future with the students of the Kyiv Mohyla Academy. The charismatic physicist not only writes bestsellers, but also hosts programs on the TV channel Discovery “How the...
29.05.2013 - 16:30
Visitors of the exhibition “Window to Indonesia 2013,” held on May 24-26 in Kyiv, got a chance to see for themselves that Indonesia is not all about Bali. Organizers (the exhibition was held at the initiative of the Embassy of Indonesia), apart from dispelling the myths about this...
17.04.2013 - 16:24
It is always cold in the Red Hall of the Cinema House, where the festival Docudays UA is traditionally held. But not this time because the audience took a mental trip to the state of Bahia in the south of Brazil, where a talented artist Danna Arabahiana has lived for 10 long and happy years far...
18.03.2013 - 17:55
New music group for kids “Dakha-Bird” was launched in “Master Class.” The leader of the group is Iryna Kovalenko, vocalist of the DakhaBrakha band. She told The Day about the peculiarities of the work with children, their perception of the new folk instruments, self-...
