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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Euromaidan activists to recreate at Solony Lyman

The Dnipropetrovsk Public Health Department has provided them with free places at the request of the regional National Protection Headquarters
15 April, 2014 - 11:29

Kyiv Euromaidan activists have come to a well-known health center, Solony Lyman (Novomoskovsk district, Dnipropetrovsk oblast), for medical treatment. Eleven men from various nooks of Ukraine arrived in Dnipropetrovsk on April 9 to go on to the Solony Lyman resort. Situated near a brackish lake, the health center is famous for balneotherapy.

All the newcomers are Euromaidan activists who reside in Odesa, Zhytomyr, Zaporizhia, Kamianets-Podilsky, and other cities of Ukraine. They came to Kyiv mostly in January-February 2014 to take part in defending Euromaidan and storming the government quarter. Some of them have the consequences of injuries, wounds, and gas poisoning. It will take them 21 days to improve health. Then they will return to Kyiv or their native cities, but they are not going to stop fighting for the unity and freedom of Ukraine. They say the main thing is to bring the “Maidan cause” to a logical end, carry out lustration, overcome corruption and separatism.

Representatives of the Dnipropetrovsk National Protection Headquarters will be visiting the vacationers and furnishing them with food. The Euromaidan people need cigarettes, borsch, and a big cauldron, for they want to cook the “pilaf of friendship” – as much as necessary for all.

Caring for Euromaidan activists’ recreation is not an isolated act of charity. In addition, the Dnipropetrovsk oblast authorities have given refuge to about 100 families of Crimean resettlers. According to headquarters coordinator Kateryna Chyzhyk, among the resettlers’ most pressing problems are unblocking of deposit accounts, registration of temporary residence, prospects for permanent housing, preferential crediting, employment, and legal advice on keeping property in Crimea.

By Vadym RYZHKOV, The Day, Dnipropetrovsk