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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

“Embrace each other, my brothers!”

24 June, 2014 - 11:55
Photo courtesy of the author

A cultural, artistic, social, and political action took place in Chernivtsi. The traditional Ukrainian towel for Taras Shev­chenko is being embroidered on voluntary basis by the top-notch masters of traditional embroi­dery from all Ukrainian oblasts. According to the or­ga­nizers of the actions, they are not paid for this, since it is a cultural and social action. So, each willing Cher­nivtsi dweller had a chance to participate and honor Shev­chen­ko by making at least several stitches on the canvas. The re­gio­nal tour of the action started on the central square of Chernivtsi near the monument to Kobzar. The best craftsmen of Bukovyna and volunteers em­broi­dered the towel in the court­yard of the city hall. The appro­ximate size of the hemp cloth is 7 by 0.65 meters. The required elements are frag­ments from Shevchenko’s poems: “Em­brace each other, my bro­thers! I be­seech, I beg you!”, “In your house, yours is the truth, and strength, and will,” “Learn the foreign, but do not shun your own.” The organizers hope that the action will conso­li­date the spirit of Ukrainianness and remind us that we are the carriers of our own culture and spi­ri­tua­lity, masters of our land, given by God and fate. And the towel will become a sign of our generation’s respect, love, and gratitude to Shev­chenko. The event is held by the depart­ment of culture at the Chernivtsi Oblast State Ad­mi­nistration and spon­so­red by the Chernivtsi City Coun­cil.

By Maria VYSHNEVSKA, Chernivtsi