Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Who has not yet changed their ways?

The Pukach trial is adjourned until May 19. There is still time
21 April, 2015 - 12:46

By its dramatic pattern, the Appeal Court ses­sion in the Gongadze case on April 20 some­what resembled that of February 6, when Oleksii Pu­kach, the chief perpetrator of the crimes against jour­nalist Geor­gy Gongadze and pubic activist Oleksii Podol­sky, made a sensational state­ment about blackmail and threats on the part of Pechersky Court judge Andrii Melnyk, public prose­cutors Volodymyr Shylov and Roman Voloshyn, as well as Valentyna Telychenko, Myro­slava Gongadze’s represen­tative in court, as the case was handled in a court of original jurisdiction.

The session began with Podolsky’s request to read out a letter from US Congressman Steve Cohen, member of the US Helsinki Commission, to Uk­raine’s President Petro Po­ro­shenko. In this address, the US lawmaker calls on the Ukrainian president to make sure that a full investigation be conducted into the three high-profile cases which have long been under the US Helsinki Commission’s scrutiny – the abovementioned crimes against Gongadze and Podolsky and the attempt on the life of Oleksandr Yeliash­­ke­vych, a member of the 2nd- and 3rd-convocation parliaments. Besides, Cohen urged Poroshenko to receive Yeliash­kevych and discuss the details of investigation.

At first judge Stepan Hladii suggested that Podolsky himself read out Cohen’s letter, only to hear a curt ans­wer: “This is not an address to me. If the international community appeals to the Ukrai­nian state but its representatives do not even want to announce this letter, it is sheer nonsense. It makes no sense for me to read out the letter because I chang­ed my ways long ago, while this letter is addressed to you as representatives of the old system, who do not want to change. Incidentally, I want to inform the court that the He­lsinki Commission has invited me to the US, for they intend to hear me officially. And I want to warn you that I will tell them about the behavior of all participants in this trial.”

By Ivan KAPSAMUN, The Day. Photo by Ruslan KANIUKA, The Day