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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Kostiantyn Hryshchenko

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Статті автора

23.08.2012 - 00:00
On July 23 in Brussels, Ukraine managed to successfully complete the difficult process of approval by European partners of the next step in the simplification of visa regime for its nationals. Thousands of media people, members of nongovernmental and religious organizations, trade union activists...
09.02.2012 - 00:00
That’s how Ukraine is step­ping into the leap year 2012. What it will bring mankind, Europeans, Ukrai­nians, is any­one’s guess. One thing is certain: much will depend on us citizens of Ukraine, drivers of motor vehic­les, schoolteachers, surgeons, coal miners,...
06.12.2011 - 00:00
Leaders of the Ukrainian foreign ministry haven’t visited India in eight years. During this time this large Asian country, the cradle of unique civilization, grew in population nearly to the China’s level and surpassed all the world’s countries in number of programmers working...
01.11.2011 - 00:00
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill used to say that Britain had no permanent enemies or permanent friends, only permanent interests. In reality, though, there may be no permanent interests, either, except perhaps one – developing economic relations on the broadest possible scale. It...