Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert
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Ukraine Incognita travels to New Zealand

A book about obscure pages of our country’s history is sold in a country located in the south-western Pacific
25 January, 2016 - 18:04

The Ukrainian community of Auckland, the largest city in New Zealand, turned to The Day with a request to buy a book about the little-known pages of Ukrainian history in English for the libraries of local universities and bookstores in Wellington and Auckland. Specifically, Roman Kashpir wrote a following letter to our office:

“Not much is known about Ukraine in New Zealand. In particular, bookstores lack Ukrainian books in English. There’s a book you have published recently, Ukraine Incognita: http://www.day.kiev.ua/uk/library/ books/ukraine-incognita-top-25-english.”

We are happy to have our books read abroad, and we will do everything to deliver this book to New Zealand. Mr. Kashpir hopes that the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, which has a long history of cooperation with The Day, would help transporting the books to the distant South Pacific country.
