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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

This day in history

17 January, 2012 - 00:00

1765: The tsar signs an edict allowing the Russian landlords to condemn their peasants to penal servitude.

1918: The People’s Secretariat of [Soviet] Ukraine resolves to institute the People’s Court.

1919: The Central Military-Revolutionary [pro-Soviet] Committee of the Donbas is formed.

1921: The Ukrainian Free University opens in Vienna, to be transferred to Prague in the fall, and to Munich after the end of the World War II.

1945: The Soviet Union takes census, effective as of January 17, 1939, coming up with 170,557,000.

1945: Soviet troops, jointly with the Polish Armed Forces, enter Warsaw. 2005: The Supreme Court of Ukraine is hearing the presidential election case, with Yanukovych supporters picketing outside the building.
