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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

This day in history

20 September, 2011 - 00:00

1919: The UNR command and Nestor Makhno’s insurgent troops agree on fighting Anton Denikin’s Volunteer Army; this agreement is short-lived as on September 27, after defeating the White Guard troops, the insurgent troops move to raid the Ekaterinoslav Governorate.

1921: The governments of the RSFSR and Ukrainian SSR forward a note to the Romanian government, demanding that Nestor Makhno and other members of his gang be deported as “ordinary criminals.”

1929: The date of birth of Ivan Svitlychny, future Ukrainian poet, literary critic, translator, and dissident.

1941: Moscow hosts a Ukrainian art and literature soiree.

1957: The State Museum of Ukrainian Art launches a series of republican exhibits.

1973: Kyiv hosts the All-Union Golden Autumn Music Festival.

1975: Zatoka Shipyard in Kerch launches the tanker Kuban, Ukraine’s largest vessel of this type.
