Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№10, (2006)

28.03.2006 - 00:00

A cook with a national idea

Last Thursday The Day carried a front-page interview with the designer Liliya Pustovit, who talked about Ukrainians’ feelings of freedom and self-identity in the European context. I don’t know about...
28.03.2006 - 00:00

Thoughtful night

Politicians, journalists, and experts have unanimously found the parliamentary election campaign that has just ended to be the most uneventful and slow-paced of all campaigns in recent Ukrainian...
28.03.2006 - 00:00

Instituting control over the special services

March 25 marked 14 years since the Law on the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) came into force. Only a few minor amendments have been made to it since then. I left the SBU in 1994 and since then...
28.03.2006 - 00:00

Low tariffs a barrier for investors

Ukraine’s energy strategy until 2030, which was discussed last Thursday with the participation of President Yushchenko, caused quite a ripple. One of the first to assess it was the World Bank....
28.03.2006 - 00:00

Fears of the duped

Public trust in the banking system, or in any other system, is not eternal and above all depends on the quality of its work. This became crystal clear after several commercial banks recently went...
28.03.2006 - 00:00

This week in history

March 28, 1708. Tsar Peter I ordered that the secular print replace the Church Slavonic in Muscovy. 1999. Maiden launch of the Zenith 3SL Ukrainian missile-carrier took place from a floating platform...
28.03.2006 - 00:00

An important discussion about values

Odesa’s Maxim Gorky State Research Library hosted the presentation of three books from The Day’s Library Series: Wars and Peace, Day and Eternity of James Mace, and Klara Gudzyk’s Apocrypha. Since...
28.03.2006 - 00:00

Robinson and Manilov

Continued from the previous issueThe president of Ukraine is no Harry Potter, who can wave his magic wand to make corruption disappear. Corruption is merely the result of hopeless poverty and mean,...
28.03.2006 - 00:00

Unhealthy schools

Only 25 percent of children are born healthy in Ukraine. A recent study by the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine suggests that only 10 percent of teenagers leave school absolutely healthy....
28.03.2006 - 00:00

New goals for John Herbst

In late spring US Ambassador John Herbst will leave Ukraine to head the Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization at the US Department of State. US State Secretary Condoleezza...
28.03.2006 - 00:00

Kyiv Pectoral on home stretch

This year there were almost no scandals or protests over the Pectoral Prize. For the first time in the 13-year-long history of this prize, experts and the members of the organizing committee worked...
28.03.2006 - 00:00

Friends are chosen

The United States should change its relations with Russia. This conclusion comes from experts at the US Council on Foreign Relations, an independent, national organization, nonpartisan research...
28.03.2006 - 00:00

A masterpiece out of fish bones

On the occasion of the All-Ukrainian Day of Culture and Amateur Art, the National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine opened the exhibition “The Florist’s Art — the Triumph of Nature.” The...
28.03.2006 - 00:00

Beyond Revolutionary Disillusion

All revolutions, in the end, turn from euphoria to disillusion. In a revolutionary atmosphere of solidarity and self-sacrifice, people tend to think that when their victory is complete, paradise on...
28.03.2006 - 00:00

The Cartoonist’s Responsibility

The recent events surrounding the publication of cartoons in Denmark have left everybody astounded — especially editorial cartoonists like myself. For once I have decided to trade my brushes...
