№12, (2000)
11.04.2000 - 00:00
Parliament has approved the government action program. One might perhaps say the People’s Deputies had no other alternative in spite of a wide range of choices. That all majority factions would...
11.04.2000 - 00:00
Music Rehabilitated
Awaiting Kyiv in late May is a fireworks of the premiere performance of European music little known even to musicologists and of pieces undeservedly kept away from the public. The idea of the...
11.04.2000 - 00:00
Ukrainian Seamen in American Prison
Federal District Court in Houston, Texas passed a ruling in Case No. n-99371, the people vs. three crew members of the China Breeze (The Day has reported on US law enforcement authorities’...
11.04.2000 - 00:00
Mercenaries Become New Ukrainian Export
The mercenary’s trade is something completely unaccustomed that has come about in Ukraine following perpetually rising unemployment and our unstable economic situation. Young people who have found no...
11.04.2000 - 00:00
FRESH EXHAUST, or Treasury more important than producers
Ukraine seems in for yet another collision on the automobile market. While previously the state shaped this market according the standard of certain enterprises, concerned about the destiny of the...
11.04.2000 - 00:00
On April 5, residents of Tarasivka were to get their land certificates. But the previous day the office of the former Tarasivka collective farm (kolhosp) still had bust of Lenin decorated with a loud...
11.04.2000 - 00:00
The duo of Ukrainian standup comedians Tarapunka and Shtepsel enjoyed tremendous support and popularity in the fifties and sixties in Moscow. What was funny was not so much the content of their...
11.04.2000 - 00:00
Again on Respecting Oneself
We seem to have got off lightly this time with a relatively “mild” resolution passed at the regular session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, although Minister of...
11.04.2000 - 00:00
Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
“Thus passes away the glory of this world,” ancients said, observing something or, more often, somebody who once was on a radiant summit and then ended up with all the rest or even lower. This...
11.04.2000 - 00:00
As recently as a month ago few could predict the outcome of the conflict between Ukraine and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) about the Ukrainian referendum slated for April...
11.04.2000 - 00:00
Constantine and Methodius: Greeks Bearing Gifts
The baptism of Rus’ resulted in a dramatic expansion of the social horizons and the entrance of our forefathers into a social environment of the higher order, Christianity. Since the choice of the...
11.04.2000 - 00:00
“We Are Against Piggish Behavior, Not Pig Breeding”
Under this motto an all-Ukraine fatback lovers’ festival of humor was held in Romny, Sumy oblast, organized by the city executive committee. Many guests went to the oblast center to attest to their...
11.04.2000 - 00:00
Hasty Implementation of Presidential Decree Exacerbates Social Tensions
Reorganization of collective farms into private businesses has been completed in Ukraine, Deputy Minister for Agricultural Policy Roman Shmidt has announced recently. “The collective system of...
11.04.2000 - 00:00
The Press and the State Caricature Contest Showed the Lighter Side Of the Sad Condition of The Media in Ukraine
The Institute of Mass Information in the person of its president Alla Lazareva and director Julia Sabri, assisted by the Reporters Sans Frontieres international organization and France’s Europeon...
11.04.2000 - 00:00
Who Lost Russia?
(Continued from The Day № 11, April 4, 2000)
Out of these chaotic conditions, the rudiments of a new economic order began to emerge. It was a form of capitalism, but it was a very peculiar one...