Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№13, (2006)

18.04.2006 - 00:00

Revaluation better than reprivatization?

Economists are trying to predict the first steps of the new Verkhovna Rada, the economic bills that will be considered top priorities, whether there will be any cardinal changes to tax laws, and...
18.04.2006 - 00:00

Start, false start or finish?

The BYuT, Our Ukraine (NSNU), and the SPU are set to begin forming a democratic coalition. Last Thursday evening their leaders signed the first document on their future cooperation in parliament and...
18.04.2006 - 00:00

“Salt Symphony 3”

The third international festival “Salt Symphony” will take place on May 27-28. Audiences will have to go into a mine 288 meters down to hear the musicians of the Donetsk and Luhansk symphony...
18.04.2006 - 00:00

Ukraine’s new role in the Eurasian space

Kyrgyzstan recently marked the first anniversary of its Tulip Revolution. Although many Kyrgyz es are voicing their disappointment over the slow pace of transformation in the country, the...
18.04.2006 - 00:00

Are there limits on prestige?

The Mercedes S-500 recently purchased by Naftohaz Ukrainy has been offered for public sale, Interfax-Ukraine quotes the company’s PR department as saying. This move comes days after President...
18.04.2006 - 00:00

This week in history

April 18, 1961 . A protest demonstration of believers took place in Kyiv against closing St. Andrew’s church. 1996. Ukraine and Great Britain signed an agreement On Mutual Assistance with Struggle...
18.04.2006 - 00:00

Zaporozhian Europe

The typical scenario of the last few soccer seasons changed last fall, when the First League’s team Karpaty beat Ukraine’s champion Shakhtar in Lviv. As a result, the future finalist made it to the...
18.04.2006 - 00:00

The Kobzar and “Little Kobzars”

On April 13 the first graders of Kyiv Specialized School No. 112 were ceremoniously admitted as Kobzaryky at the Taras Shevchenko National Museum. This ceremony is a fine 17-year-old tradition for...
18.04.2006 - 00:00

Tactic of preventive falsehood

“The situation is critical. A boiler has burst. A carload of nails is rotting under elevator. The underpants workshop is stranded without cement.” Volodymyr Dibrova’s words can be used to review the...
18.04.2006 - 00:00

Poison and Power In Ukraine

Tell someone in the Ukrainian capital that you have an appointment with President Viktor Yushchenko, and you will quickly be showered with advice, suggestions and requests. “Please, tell him to ask...
18.04.2006 - 00:00

Michel Duray: “NATO does not discuss dates, only results”

Last Friday Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted the launch of the Ukraine — NATO Target Plan for 2006, which President Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine recently endorsed by an ukase. What are...
18.04.2006 - 00:00

Turning Point at Chernobyl

The nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl 20 years ago this month, even more than my launch of perestroika, was perhaps the real cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union five years later. Indeed, the...
18.04.2006 - 00:00

Are the police going to respect declared rights?

Soon Ukrainian police will start behaving like Hollywood film cops when they apprehend offenders or suspects, i.e., they will read out the charge against the person they are arresting. This follows...
18.04.2006 - 00:00

“Explosive past”

Anne Applebaum, a well-known public figure, political journalist, member of the editorial board of The Washington Post, and the wife of Poland’s Defense Minister Radek Sikorski, is in Ukraine for...
18.04.2006 - 00:00

A portfolio is what makes you strong

Money is becoming more expensive all over the world. Therefore, assets will be sold despite the political situation. Evidence of this is foreign investors’ interest in acquiring Ukrainian banks. What...
