Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№15, (2008)

22.04.2008 - 00:00

Our peacekeepers are the best

As part of the final stage of the national component of the joint Ukrainian-Polish UKRPOLBAT peacekeeping battalion’s current personnel rotation, the third group of 80 Ukrainian peacemakers was...
22.04.2008 - 00:00

Ukraine and Russia: history and the image of history

(Conclusion. Continued from the previous issue no. 14) 4. DEBATES ON THE 1932-33 FAMINE AT THE CONFERENCE The organizers of the conference (see The Day, “The Ukrainian and Russian Intelligentsias...
22.04.2008 - 00:00

Parliamentary Republic after Easter?

During her Sunday appearance on Ukraine’s ICTV channel Yulia Tymoshenko reaffirmed the sensational statement she had made in Strasbourg about the need to make Ukraine into a parliamentary republic....
22.04.2008 - 00:00

Chornobyl syndrome

A lot has been done in twenty-two years of combating the aftereffects of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Station (ChAES) disaster, yet experts insist that “Something very important, probably the most...
22.04.2008 - 00:00

What can we expect from the National Bureau of Investigation?

Before setting up the National Bureau of Investigation (Ukr. abbr., NBR) we have to make clear precisely what we expect from it. If it proves to be yet another law enforcement agency, we won’t...
22.04.2008 - 00:00

Andrzej WAJDA: “My film is about the Katyn crime and the Katyn lies”

The premiere of Katyn was attended by the legendary movie director Andrzej Wajda himself. During his stay in Kyiv he gave a press interview on which the following interview is based. What sources did...
22.04.2008 - 00:00

This week in history

April 22 1918: The All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsVK) adopts the text of the first and only military oath. 1922: The Ukrainian Husbandry Academy is founded in Podebrady, Czechoslovakia....
22.04.2008 - 00:00

Dear readers

We congratulate those of you who celebrate Easter according to the Julian calendar on this holiday. Happy Easter! The next issue of The Day will be published on May 20.
22.04.2008 - 00:00

Ghazanfar Ali KHAN: “I can see a great potential for further cooperation between Pakistan and Ukraine”

Most Ukrainians associate the cooperation between Ukraine and Pakistan only with the famous Pakistani tank agreement. Besides, for some Ukrainians Pakistan is an example to follow, because this...
22.04.2008 - 00:00

Austrian optimism

How does Austria view the prospect of Ukraine’s membership in the EU and the development of further cooperation within the framework of the European community? How are bilateral relations between...
22.04.2008 - 00:00

“The Ukrainian spirit is the Ukrainian people”

Fifteen years ago the Lenin Museum was converted into Ukraine House, and the monument to the leader of the proletariat was turned into a clock. Yet public opinion changes much more slowly, and for a...
22.04.2008 - 00:00

Flowery politics or new PR approach

Politics and shows are a perfect match, as it turns out. At the Flowers...
22.04.2008 - 00:00

Diplomatic pilgrimage

In spite of the bad weather, the wives of several foreign ambassadors met in the small yard at the entrance to the Kyivan Cave Monastery. This was no official reception. Rather, the sizable group of...
22.04.2008 - 00:00

The European ideal and reality of justice

This year the international community will mark the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a kind of internal legal code that has had a tangible impact on the development of...
22.04.2008 - 00:00

How to shut Pandora’s Box

Environmentalists have concluded that Ukraine faces ecological genocide if radical changes are not made. For example, the centralized water supply does not conform to sanitary and bacteriological...
