№2, (2006)
31.01.2006 - 00:00
An army of observers
“The parliamentary elections that will soon take place in Ukraine present a unique opportunity to show that the country has embarked on a democratic path,” said Liubomyr Kopaj, head of the OSCE...
31.01.2006 - 00:00
We and the empire
I am writing a different foreword than the one I initially planned. I must respond to a diplomatic scandal that broke out in the last days of the “gas war.” When First Deputy Foreign Minister...
31.01.2006 - 00:00
Democracy for chosen few
The parliamentary campaign of 2006 is certainly of historical importance, namely that its results will either confirm that this society has turned toward modernization after the Orange Revolution, or...
31.01.2006 - 00:00
Where does strength lie?
The undeniable answer is: truth. The life story of The Day’s interview subject Yevhen MARCHUK, leader of the Party of Freedom and the Yevhen Marchuk-Unity election bloc, provides additional answers...
31.01.2006 - 00:00
Serhiy TULUB: “We know clearly what to do and how”
Serhiy Tulub’s office is equipped with a voltage frequency meter, the kind that he had while serving as fuel and energy minister and later as chairman of Enerhoatom. I look at the meter readings: 50...
31.01.2006 - 00:00
This week in history
January 31 1920. The first Ukrainian Communist newspaper in the US Ukrayinski Shchodenni Visti (Ukrainian Daily News) started its publication in New York. 1966. The Council of Ministers of USSR...
31.01.2006 - 00:00
Methane proposal
Now that Ukraine appears to have settled its gas dispute with Russia’s Gazprom, it is high time to accelerate the development of Ukraine’s own natural gas resources. One place to start is in the coal...
31.01.2006 - 00:00
The state is taking itself to court
Last Thursday the Ukrainian government received an unpleasant message from the US. John Herbst, the ambassador of this leading world power, said to a Ukrainian newspaper, “Reprivatization has by and...
31.01.2006 - 00:00
Melnychenko will not apologize
Former State Security Major Mykola Melnychenko’s second press conference since his return to Ukraine took place in the committee room of the Verkhovna Rada. Unlike the first press conference, this...
31.01.2006 - 00:00
Everyone can support the Olympic athletes
The Turino 2006 Winter Olympics are less than two weeks away. Everyone is getting ready for the games: from athletes, government officials, and journalists to the National Olympic Committee (NOC)...
31.01.2006 - 00:00
EU expansion may affect Ukraine
For most of the last century, political realities kept Ukraine and Sweden apart. But my visit to Kiev last week served as a reminder of the numerous things that keep us together. Our two countries...
31.01.2006 - 00:00
Our Thermopylae
Everyone who has studied ancient history remembers the 300 Spartan heroes, who died in 480 BC in Thermopylae Gorge but stopped the advance of the Persian invaders. In critically reconsidering...
31.01.2006 - 00:00
The observation knot
Parliamentary election observers are beginning to arrive in Ukraine. The first to report their arrival was the mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). However, not...
31.01.2006 - 00:00
Sleeping Beauty visits Genoa
The Kyivans gave seven performances of Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty on the stage of one of Italy’s most celebrated theaters — Teatro Carlo Felice, hallowed by several premieres of Verdi and...
31.01.2006 - 00:00
Adv entur es of the “Russian factor”
The 2006 elections may be the last ones in which the “Russian factor” will play an important role. This is the conclusion of experts at the Situation Modeling Agency (AMS) who analyzed the attitudes...