№20, (2002)
18.06.2002 - 00:00
1,000 Kilometers Of History
This fall marks the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the central archives of old statutory acts at St. Volodymyr University in Kyiv [currently Taras Shevchenko National University]. At present...
18.06.2002 - 00:00
No One Will Clean House For Us
Valery CHALY, international programs director, Razumkov Center:
Our studies show that Ukraine’s integration into the European Union, proclaimed by the political leadership as a top foreign policy...
18.06.2002 - 00:00
Parliamentary Government Versus Revolutionary Expediency
Our nation’s history shows that unity, coherence, and civil harmony in society have always presented an urgent problem for Ukraine by force of this country’s geographic and geopolitical situation,...
18.06.2002 - 00:00
Government warns oil traders
The cabinet agreed with Ukraine’s leading oil traders on stabilizing gasoline costs on June 12. “We had a meeting with the board of experts, analyzed the situation, and now it is safe to assume that...
18.06.2002 - 00:00
A host of mentally retarded children are faced with educational limited choices
Scenes from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream were played on the stage of the social service center in the Obolon district of Kyiv. The cast was very good and practically no one would have...
18.06.2002 - 00:00
The legal aspect of interfaith relations in the Crimea
It is no secret that the Crimea is a hotbed of conflicts or even permanent confrontation among religious communities. There are several reasons for this: theoretical contradictions, structural...
18.06.2002 - 00:00
Small business lacks knowledge of legal self-defense
Much is said about the arbitrariness of officials toward traders in the bazaar. But a survey conducted by the State Committee for Entrepreneurial Activity reveals another, quite shocking, side of the...
18.06.2002 - 00:00
Petro ZAVADOVSKY in the service of three Russian emperors
(Continued from previous issues)
Immediately after the church wedding ceremony in the summer of 1775, Empress Catherine II and Grigory Potemkin arrived in Moscow on the eve of celebrations in...
18.06.2002 - 00:00
Young Academicians
Kyiv Children’s Academy of the Arts is an unusual educational institution already existing for eight years. The Grand Concert demonstrated that many talented children study there. When you appreciate...
18.06.2002 - 00:00
Nostalgia Will Remain in Kyiv
Tetiana Eva Hershuni, a Ukrainian Canadian postmodernist, has presented her canvas to the Cultural Heritage Museum.
Her picture, Nostalgia, was, without doubt, the hit of last year’s Women’s...
18.06.2002 - 00:00
Berlin: City of Bears and Barracks Architecture
(Continued from the previous issue)
At 7 a.m. the bus pulled over at a German filling station. A trailer nearby displayed a giant puppet of a cabaret singer clad in a low-necked red uniform,...
18.06.2002 - 00:00
Children’s View Of Grownup Music
St. Catherine’s Lutheran Cathedral hosted a concert by Dmytro Hershkovych’s Children’s Symphony Orchestra and Choir, summing up the company’s performances for the year and ending the 2001-02 season...
18.06.2002 - 00:00
The Shining Duke
News about the monument to Anatoly Solovyanenko in Donetsk caused many to feel joy, but there was also controversy. It was hard to visualize one of our most popular singers cast in bronze. Also, not...
18.06.2002 - 00:00
Armed Man In the Opera
The last premiere of Leoncavallo’s Pagliacci at the National Opera in Kyiv caused controversial responses. On the one hand, the audience encored the baritone Vyacheslav Lupalov’s prologue; on the...
18.06.2002 - 00:00
What Do You Dream of?
Vitaly MARHULIS, general director, the Association of Consulting Firms of Ukraine:
“Like anybody, I have both personal and general dreams. I dream of a prosperous and happy future for my...