Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№20, (2016)

28.03.2016 - 18:27

The feeling of national unity

Photo Exhibit Den-2015 has entered its third day. Several hundred people have already visited halls which host the exhibition, while two dozen new records have been added to the guestbook. The...
28.03.2016 - 18:14

Europe has neared a “security union”

It seems that the double attack which occurred in Brussels, the heart of Europe on March 22 has finally pushed the EU to create a security union.In particular, President of the European Commission...
28.03.2016 - 18:09

“We have not seen more flexibility in Sergey Lavrov’s public statements”

In line with expectations, another meeting between Secretary of State Kerry and Russian President Vladimir Putin, held on March 24 and lasting four hours, did not see any breakthrough in solving the...
28.03.2016 - 18:01

72 dead after suicide bomber attack in Pakistan

In Lahore, 72 people have been killed in an attack by a suicide bomber from the Pakistani Taliban. The terrorist blew up a bomb in a park where many families with children were spending their time....
28.03.2016 - 17:40

Society and authorities: is dialog possible?

What is “elite” in general and does it exist in this country? In what way can civil society influence it? Under what conditions can the demand for changes be satisfied in the...
28.03.2016 - 17:37

Ukrainian healthcare revolution

Just like energy, domestic healthcare remains the least reformed in Ukraine when it comes to private medical institutions. Ukrainian innovative developers are trying to change the situation by...
28.03.2016 - 17:34

“Life after Chornobyl”

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the explosion at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant. This disaster has forever changed the lives of thousands of Ukrainians, who were forced to flee hastily...
28.03.2016 - 17:29

Ancestors of forgotten “Shadows”

Can you tell where the “Shadows” are in the film, which is over 50 years old? And where actually are there the forgotten ancestors? Why did Kotsiubynsky call his story like this anyway?...
28.03.2016 - 17:16

Maria LEVYTSKA: “Team spirit makes life and work easier”

This is a joint Ukrainian-Italian project under the patronage of the Italian embassy, assisted by the Italian Institute of Culture. There will be three Italian guest stars: the famous bass, Ricardo...
28.03.2016 - 17:09

Fashion Week. Results

Fashion shifts like a spring breeze; in the blink of an eye your fashionable wardrobe becomes outdated, and the contemporary trend constitutes of entirely different styles and colors. Ukrainian...
28.03.2016 - 17:07

Season’s most stylish battle

On March 17, the 38th Ukrainian Fashion Week launched the project “Ukrainian Battle of Tailors” on the initiative of Charisma Fashion Group and with informational support from the...