Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№22, (2002)

09.07.2002 - 00:00

AMC strikes back selectively

The Antimonopoly Committee (AMC) of Ukraine, in its second composition, has exposed over 1500 violations of economic competition laws during the past year. The budget has received UAH 2.2 billion,...
09.07.2002 - 00:00

Any Post-Soviet Alliances Are Alliances of Poor States, EAEC Secretary General Grigory RAPOTA Believes

Relations between Ukraine and the Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC), consisting of Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan, are the subject of heated debates, which intensified after...
09.07.2002 - 00:00

But rapprochement is underway

The turnout of a NATO-Ukrainian relations poll was published on July 3, carried out at practically the same time, in the first half of June, by two research teams from the Ukrainian Institute of...
09.07.2002 - 00:00

Eastern European Maze: We Will Have to Look for a Way Out Ourselves

Strausberg, a town not far from Berlin, hosted the international conference, Media and Power Structures: Cooperation and Containment of Corruption, on June 23-36, sponsored by the Bundeswehr’s...
09.07.2002 - 00:00

Deal at Whose Expense?

If those striving to dismiss the Kinakh Cabinet fail to fulfill their plans this summer, they will resume their attempts in the fall. Obviously, the head of government will have to make deals with...
09.07.2002 - 00:00

Portrait with all the trimmings

A middle-sized Ukrainian businessman little resembles a cooperator at the turn of the 1990s who had to lug crates of pickled herring and tried to figure out the trade margin on his pocket calculator...
09.07.2002 - 00:00

Jeep, Mobile Phone, and Cardin – Medium Ukrainian Businessman

Vlada, 6: “He is like my daddy: works a lot, comes home late, and buys expensive stuff for me and my mom.” Andriy, 6: “A businessman must have a car (jeep), a classy three-room...
09.07.2002 - 00:00

Evolution of Ukrainian business

Nver MKHITARIAN, people’s deputy and president of the Pozniakyzhytlobud building corporation: Under the Soviets, people were divided into those dissatisfied with the way they lived (they were...
09.07.2002 - 00:00

Men and Women Doing Business: Is There a Difference?

Tetiana ABRAMOVA, manager, Rito Fashion House: Being a woman only helps with my business, but it has impeded my private life. A woman starting in business develops masculine traits. She becomes...
09.07.2002 - 00:00

Every Ukrainian Must Be At Least Once In Chyhyryn...

You must put everything aside, quit worrying about your drab life, daily complaining about all those bad people who seem happy while you are not, break the habit of seeing our dirty streets and the...
09.07.2002 - 00:00

On the Road: Berlin and Paris

(Continued form No. 20 of June 18) Graffiti here and there appear on the walls of rectangular buildings. An eye-sore if too many, here, amidst the monotonous German landscape, they liven up the...
09.07.2002 - 00:00

Ivan Marchuk’s Macrame

This artist is justifiably referred to as a classic of contemporary Ukrainian art. Trying to object to this is like spitting against the wind. Because Ivan Marchuk is indeed one of the most visited...
09.07.2002 - 00:00

Ancient folk tradition with contemporary trappings

The scenario for successfully celebrating the summer solstice suffices to disprove all notions that extreme amusements are a product of Western thinking. Slavs have a need for adrenaline in their...
09.07.2002 - 00:00

The life and death of Antony Hrekovych

An artifact, formerly distorted for a certain ideological speculation, can later become an instructive symbol that will help society reawaken. The picture that portrays the killing of priest Antony...
09.07.2002 - 00:00

Europeanizing Ukrainian Law

Ten renowned European lawyers began to familiarize in detail fifty Ukrainian professors of law from Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa, and Donetsk universities with the fundamentals of law in the European Union,...
