Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№28, (2013)

23.04.2013 - 10:16

Making the most of our history

We chose the prince not only because he is one of the most prominent statesmen of Kyivan Rus’ and we mark the 900th anniversary of his ascension to the Kyiv throne this year, but also because...
22.04.2013 - 18:06

A “steamer” of sorts has come to Uzhhorod’s quay

The bronze steamer dropped her anchor at the quay’s railing, next to Teatralna Square. The sculpture’s creator is Mykhailo Kolodko. Head of tourism subdepartment of the Uzhhorod National...
22.04.2013 - 18:05

Kharkiv’s civic activists: successes, failures and prospects

The scandalous events that surrounded the opposition’s rally kept Kharkiv in the newspaper and news sites’ headlines throughout the week from April 15-21. Even so, few people dug deeper...
22.04.2013 - 18:04

Those who build the future

It seems that individual cases of school and university students’ important scientific achievements are transforming into a clear tendency. The Day regularly writes about the achievements of...
22.04.2013 - 18:02

Jews from all over the world prayed in Belz

On April 16 approximately four thousand Hasid pilgrims arrived in the town of Belz in Sokal raion, Lviv oblast. They went on pilgrimage to the tombs of the three wonder-working tsadik rabbis who were...
22.04.2013 - 18:00

A foul-smelling story

Mayor of Odesa Oleksii Kostusiev responded with outrage on April 16 to the environmental prosecutor’s office’s institution of two criminal cases concerning large-scale pollution of the...
22.04.2013 - 17:59

Ukrainians are accepted to the World Academy of Art and Science

The secretary general of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) Zbigniew Bochniarz sent a letter to The Day. “I am very happy to share the news that the outstanding Ukrainian scientist,...
22.04.2013 - 17:54

Zhang Bin, a chinese people’s liberation army soldier, carries a 60-year-old survivor as he runs down a stretch of the road to Linguan township

Zhang Bin, a chinese people’s liberation army soldier, carries a 60-year-old survivor as he runs down a stretch of the road to Linguan township which was recently cleared of debris from...
22.04.2013 - 17:37

Russia triggers off gas scandal in Poland

Official Warsaw is caught up in a big scandal after Poland’s EuRoPol GAZ and Russia’s Gazprom signed a memorandum providing for the construction of the Yamal-Europe-2 gas pipeline....
22.04.2013 - 17:35

A hindrance for Euro optimists

The Ukrainian and European parliaments took simultaneous steps towards each other last Thursday. The Verkhovna Rada at last passed the long-awaited European integration laws in compliance with the EU...
22.04.2013 - 17:32

Leading Ukraine out of marginal state

Bratislava Security Forum GLOBSEC 2013, held on April 18-20 in the capital of Slovakia, has beaten all the records in the eight years of its existence. First, as Secretary General of the Slovak...
22.04.2013 - 17:29

Ukraine will come back home – to Europe

“I recommend that we vote for visa liberalization, that we do so for the Ukrainian people, not for the Ukrainian government,” said the PACE monitoring rapporteur for Ukraine at a European...
22.04.2013 - 17:19

From rockets and satellites to fighting asteroids

An international scientific conference, Space Technologies: Present and Future, has opened in Dnipropetrovsk. It is attended by 230 scientists from 22 countries. Over three days, they will be...
22.04.2013 - 17:19

Who’s the guy named Ohm?

An accident occurred last Wednesday evening at a power substation in the satellite town of Vyshneve, Kyiv Sviatoshyn District. As a result, the mains voltage suddenly jumped to 450 volts, which...
22.04.2013 - 17:18

The bomb is their daily inspiration

Communists are dangerous folks. I know this from own experience of staying in the ranks under a red flag. There seem to be a lot of ideals and only two values: a great teaching (Leninism, Juche,...
