№30, (2001)
30.10.2001 - 00:00
158 suspicious letters spotted in Ukraine
Bacteriological warfare is on practically everyone’s lips, despite experts assuring that there is very little likelihood of Osama bin Laden’s people ever taking an interest in Ukraine. Yet, a kind of...
30.10.2001 - 00:00
Leonid Kuchma Found Just the Right Words
The President of Ukraine has accepted the resignation of Minister of Defense Gen. Oleksandr Kuzmuk. Pres. Kuchma announced this on October 24, when he appeared on Ukraine’s Television Channel One to...
30.10.2001 - 00:00
Beware the Grafters
About a century ago as my native Oklahoma was preparing to become a state, the Indians of what was still Indian Territory were given land allotments as private property, something they had never...
30.10.2001 - 00:00
This week in history
October 30: 1708. Peter I sent a charter to the Zaporozhzhian Cossacks promising not to oppress them and inviting the Zaporozhzhian starshyna (senior officers corps) to the town of Hlukhov to elect a...
30.10.2001 - 00:00
Legal stock market capitulates
The record index decline (7.22-40.62% a day) of the First Stock Trade System, as the principal formal stock market operated by Ukrainian business, resulted from the plummeting stock price of the...
30.10.2001 - 00:00
Events in US and Afghanistan Take Their Toll On All Air Carriers
The heart-rending September 11 events in New York dealt a heavy blow to air carriers worldwide, Aerosvit Director General Hryhory HURTOVY said on October 23. As he put it, “a downward tendency is...
30.10.2001 - 00:00
Yevhen HLIBOVYTSKY: “Nothing can convey the horror of the situation in the USA”
Ukraine watched the September 11 tragedy on home screens courtesy of television companies in other countries. Yevhen Hlibovytsky, a leading 1+1 television journalist, was among the first Ukrainian...
30.10.2001 - 00:00
Kyiv Opposes Stricter Visa Requirements
Although Ukraine agrees to tightened control on its western borders, it is proposing the EU refrain from imposing stricter visa requirements on Ukrainian citizens. A statement to this effect was made...
30.10.2001 - 00:00
National Bank Ready For Rendezvous With Euro
As of January 1, 2002, twelve member countries of the European Currency Union, hereafter referred to as ECU, are to switch over to euros, with their national currencies gradually being withdrawn from...
30.10.2001 - 00:00
Too Many Tax Laws Destabilize The Economy, Says Mykola Azarov
For the time being, Mykola Azarov, head of the State Tax Administration of Ukraine, is not going to step down as leader of the Party of the Regions. “It would be absolutely wrong to make demoralizing...
30.10.2001 - 00:00
President Stands for Fair Elections And So Do Candidates
President Leonid Kuchma has sent a letter to Speaker Ivan Pliushch, promising to do his best to have the 2002 parliamentary elections held on a fair, open, and transparent basis, in keeping with the...
30.10.2001 - 00:00
Sergei KARAGANOV: If NATO expansion is inevitable, we must try to join
Many regarded his statements and comments on Ukraine as shocking and chauvinistic. Meanwhile, he has done much to normalize Ukrainian-Russian relations. He can be called a cynic — and deservedly —...
30.10.2001 - 00:00
Hunting season opens for excavators’ votes
On October 26, the central committee presidium of the Trade Union of Coal Miners had a session in Donetsk to discuss the union’s further actions, following the last week’s protest campaign. As Valery...
30.10.2001 - 00:00
Ukrainian Peacemakers Reunite in Kyiv
On October 24 Ukrainian servicemen who took part in UN peacemaking operations met with Defense Ministry top brass, the first such high-profile encounter so far. “The Ukrainian peacemakers have...
30.10.2001 - 00:00
Land market and village investment get powerful legislative impetus
On October 25, Verkhovna Rada debated in the second reading the Land Code bill in a more than tense atmosphere. In protest against adoption of this so-called agrarian constitution (apparently aware...