Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№31, (2002)

15.10.2002 - 00:00

Walking Kyiv Streets With Larysa Skoryk

POTTERS AND TANNERS. HISTORY LOST FOREVER The aftermath of a major disaster: and worst of all, a man-made one. That is the only way to describe what the Kyiv architects are doing to the capital....
15.10.2002 - 00:00

Petro POROSHENKO, “Opposition Is Not Our Choice...”

“What is your attitude to the decision of the nine factions to redistribute parliamentary committees, under which the minority will have to content itself with three portfolios? Can we call this a...
15.10.2002 - 00:00

Viktor MEDVEDCHUK, “One Must Learn the History of the Political Life of Europe...”

“You are being accused of actively interfering in the formation of the parliamentary majority. Do you think it is good when a representative of one branch of power cares about the affairs of another...
15.10.2002 - 00:00

Yuri Shukhevych: The Truth About the UPA will be Known

This respectable gentleman lives in one of the buildings on a street named after his father, General Chuprynka (an alias of Roman Shukhevych, Commander of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army – Ukr. abbr.,...
15.10.2002 - 00:00

How Ukraine was ‘Discovered’ by CIS Inspectors

Officials in charge of border-control authorities in Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Ukraine held their 44th regular meeting recently, this time in Kyiv. The result was nothing...
15.10.2002 - 00:00

Farewell to an Overburdened Themis

On October 7, the Supreme Court of Ukraine held a notable press conference. The journalists present were able to put questions to Supreme Court Chairman Vitaly Boiko who has offered his resignation...
15.10.2002 - 00:00

LAVRA: Symbol of Stability

Over 950 years ago, the Rev. Antonius and Theodosius (Ukr., Antoniy and Feodosiy) founded the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Monastery of the Caves, the most sacred place and symbol of Ukrainian Orthodoxy. The...
15.10.2002 - 00:00

Teaching Foreign Students Brings Us 40 Million Dollars a Year – It Could Be 120 Million

The current President of Mongolia – Natsakiin Bag a bandi – graduated from a Ukrainian institution of higher educational, namely, the Odesa Academy of Food Technologies. He studied in this country...
15.10.2002 - 00:00

Transport ecology program: health requires costs

Last year on the Kyiv city administration’s commission, the Transport Ecology program was developed. And a few days ago a presentation was given by Ekotrans, the municipal enterprise set up to...
15.10.2002 - 00:00

The “Spirit and Letter” of the Times

The next issue of the magazine Dukh i Litera [The Spirit and Letter] came off the presses recently. This massive edition published by the European Humanitarian Study Center of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy...
15.10.2002 - 00:00

Let the Journalists Live

What distinguishes the Golden Pen media contest from other competitions that identify who’s who in the media is, above all, its approach to selecting the best. Here, winners are determined by readers...
15.10.2002 - 00:00

Askold MELNYCZUK, “The American Reader Is Prepared to View Ukraine As a State”

The Institute of International Relations at Kyiv’s Taras Shevchenko National University — under the auspices of the Public Affairs Section of the United States Embassy in Ukraine — recently held its...
15.10.2002 - 00:00

Natalia Balabanova returns from Paris with a hair-styling “Oscar”

We are governed by stereotypes. The first and perhaps most widespread is our inferiority complex. We are masochistically content with being on sidetracks, saying they are civilized and we are not, so...
15.10.2002 - 00:00


“Matsiyevych’s fame has spread worldwide and Ukraine is proud that one of her sons has inscribed his noble name in the annals of universal human progress.” Mykola VORONY Poet Mykola Vorony called...
15.10.2002 - 00:00

Over 6,000 books collected in two weeks

The Day informed about a library with a stock of 50,000 burning down in Hryhory Skovoroda’s native village, destroying a unique record of local history in a place held sacred by many in Ukraine as...
