Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№35, (2017)

01.06.2017 - 11:10

A day to protect future

Competitions of sidewalk drawings and concerts are often held on the first day of summer. Weather permitting, parents take their “chicks” to parks to eat ice-cream and go on the rides. No...
31.05.2017 - 18:26

“Current administration must respond to this initiative”

Hanna Hopko, chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada’s Foreign Affaifs Committee, recently came up with a daring and important initiative. “Together with my colleagues, I have addressed the...
31.05.2017 - 18:18

The “institution of reputation” as a tool to fight “kleptocracy”

On May 31, the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) (a body specially created by the Cabinet of Ministers to check whether officials’ lifestyle corresponds to their declared...
31.05.2017 - 18:05

Margrethe II of Denmark

Many are still debating whether the institution of monarchy makes sense in the modern world. I think that every nation has the right to adopt the kind of political system it chooses. Also, more than...
31.05.2017 - 17:57

“A victory for both Ukraine and the EU”

Fifty members of the upper house of the Dutch parliament, the Senate, supported the draft law enacting the ratification of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU. Twenty-five senators...
31.05.2017 - 17:55

How to teach Ukraine’s rulers to live their own history

The visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to France and his meeting with the newly elected President Emmanuel Macron aroused great interest and elicited a suitable response not only in the two...
31.05.2017 - 17:52

How to break the habit of slavery?

David Satter, a US political writer and political scientist, a fellow at John Hopkins University and the Hudson Institute in Washington, has been doing research on the Soviet Union and post-Soviet...
31.05.2017 - 17:48

Olena MISTAL: “All Ukrainian people are artistes”

Olena Mistal’s achievements include the establishment of the Ukrainian school in Paris, the Palace of Arts in Normandy, where Ukrainian artists come, as well as the agreement between Bagnoles-...
31.05.2017 - 17:35

Postclassical auto-reflections

The Cultural and Informational Center of the Ukrainian Embassy in France was the last place to host the CAPRIces project by the well-known Lviv artist.It will be recalled that the two previous...
31.05.2017 - 17:34

“The gods” among us

The Odesa-based artist Natalia MARYNENKO has displayed her works. Ukrainian baroque, Hinduism, Daniil Kharm’s dead old woman, Hasidic dances, and “augmented reality” –...