Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№37, (2002)

26.11.2002 - 00:00

Hotline for Ukrainian Youngsters

On November 18, a hotline for boarding school pupils and alumni was opened in Ukraine. Children throughout the country can turn with their worries to 8-800-500-2180 every day from 3 to 8 p.m. using...
26.11.2002 - 00:00

History of War in Miniature

The Museum of Ukraine’s Armed Forces has opened a nationwide exposition of military miniatures courtesy of the Ukrainian Association of Afghan War Veterans jointly with the Defense Ministry and a...
26.11.2002 - 00:00

Majority Being Taught a Lesson

Volodymyr Stelmakh, Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine, filed his resignation with the president, Speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn said yesterday. The head of state approved the resignation and...
26.11.2002 - 00:00

Tragedy in Fontany: two lives paid for electricity

They were accorded a restrained welcome in their native land, with its plentitude of political, economic, and social problems, and now the repatriates. Some were lucky, others were not. Some were...
26.11.2002 - 00:00

Unpaid loans in Ukraine total UAH 27.8 billion

In nonmarket times the formula that money ruins relationships still played a key role in regulating interpersonal relations. Apparently, it has gradually merged into our mentality, becoming an...
26.11.2002 - 00:00


Oleksandr DERHACHOV, political scientist: Unlike all the other contenders, Viktor Yanukovych as the next premier could get support not only from Verkhovna Rada’s Nine, but also from some of the...
26.11.2002 - 00:00

Cossack at the Crossroads

Centuries ago people trod a wide and long road still followed by crowds of people, some riding in fast automobiles, others bicycles and horses, still others walking. No matter how they moved,...
26.11.2002 - 00:00

Another Six Billion to Be Distributed In Third Reading

It is a proven fact that people’s deputies prefer, perhaps contrary to common sense, the 2003 budget revenues as proposed by the Verkhovna Rada Budget Committee rather than those proposed by the...
26.11.2002 - 00:00

Freedom of conscience, national identity, or permission for a denomination?

Kyiv recently hosted an international scholarly conference, The Freedom of Religion and National Identity, organized by the International Academy for the Freedom of Religion and Belief, Verkhovna...
26.11.2002 - 00:00

Journalists Insist on Studying All Versions of Kolomiyets’s Death

On November 19 representatives of Belarusian law enforcement bodies confirmed the identity of the body of Mykhailo Kolomiyets, director of the Ukrayinski novyny [Ukrainian News] agency, who...
26.11.2002 - 00:00

Volyn State University hosts a presentation of the book Ukraine Incognita

People in Lutsk had looked forward to and got prepared for a meeting with The Day’s Editor-in-Chief Larysa Ivshyna, sharing the few copies of Ukraine Incognita they had bought in Kyiv or Lviv. I know...
26.11.2002 - 00:00

Are there any specifics of national humor?

British scientists announced they had found the world’s greatest joke after completing the largest hunt in the giggle business. The British Association for the Advancement of Science examined some 40...
26.11.2002 - 00:00

This week in history

November 26: 1917. An organizing congress (Kurultai) of the Crimean Tatars took place, putting forward a slogan, The Crimea for the Crimeans. 1944. The First Congress of Delegates from People’s...
26.11.2002 - 00:00

Western Ukraine prior and after being joined to the Ukrainian SSR: the economic aspect

November 15 marked the anniversary of the law joining Western Ukraine to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and USSR. Different attitudes toward that date notwithstanding, it remain in Ukrainian...
26.11.2002 - 00:00


As Ukraine observed its Day of Memory of the Victims of the Manmade Famine on Saturday, President Kuchma said that Ukraine must tell the world the truth about what happened in 1933. “The Manmade...
