№37, (2008)
25.11.2008 - 00:00
A great experiment
(Continued from The Day No.36)THE UKRAINIAN QUESTION AND THE BOLSHEVIKSSuccess of the Ukrainian national cause was anything but what the Bolsheviks were after in their efforts to establish the...
25.11.2008 - 00:00
“Against the Vampires of the Past”
The sign over the entrance gate to the Soviet Solovki concentration camp read: “We Shall Force Humankind into Happiness with an Iron Hand.”
The sign over the main gate to a Nazi concentration camp...
25.11.2008 - 00:00
This week in history
Nov. 25 1995: Russia and Ukraine’s defense ministers sign a number of instruments in Sochi, including the Agreement on Cooperation in the Military Sphere. 2004: Nationwide strike begins in Ukraine...
25.11.2008 - 00:00
The capital of sympathy
France will hold presidency in the European Union until the end of 2008. It is too early to analyze its results, but even now we can say that probably the most important achievement of the French...
25.11.2008 - 00:00
Europe knew about Holodomor
The National Institute of Strategic Studies (NISS) has recently launched the book Holodomor v Ukraini 1932-1933 rokiv za dokumentamy politychnoho arkhivu Ministerstva zakordonnykh sprav FRN (The 1932...
25.11.2008 - 00:00
He was the first to light a candle
Hundreds of thousands of candles lit last Saturday on squares and in windows all over the country were a memorial tribute to the millions who died during the terrible 1932-1933 famine in...
25.11.2008 - 00:00
Made in Ukraine
Specialists at the State Committee of Ukraine for Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy (Derzhspozhyvstandart) chose the products in the course of the entire year. They monitored the production...
25.11.2008 - 00:00
Why does Ukraine need ombudsperson for children?
A delegation of the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children (ENOC) has recently visited Ukraine and once again urged our government to establish as soon as possible an institution to protect...
25.11.2008 - 00:00
Through mourning mother’s eyes
“Ukraine is devastated by a man-made famine; Ukraine is bereft of the nationl elite; Ukraine is amidst ruined temples; Ukraine is robbed of all family values; Ukraine is denied national cultural,...
25.11.2008 - 00:00
The Kholm region and Southern Podlachia in 1938: “If any man defile the temple of God...”
The 20th-century Polish-Ukrainian history is full of tragic pages which both sides should reconsider and honor. Among the “difficult questions,” now the object of heated debates in Poland and Ukraine...
25.11.2008 - 00:00
An opinion from the Goethe Institute
Ukraine is becoming increasingly more interesting for foreigners, according to statistics. The Ministry of the Internal Affairs reports that nearly 500,000 foreigners come to our country each year,...
25.11.2008 - 00:00
Score only good for statistics
Dnipropetrovsk — Kyiv: A game against the Norwegian team in Dnipropetrovsk was the last one on Ukraine’s national team’s calendar for the current year during which it has been coached by Oleksii...
25.11.2008 - 00:00
Ukrainian books reach Montreal
The Salon du Livre de Montreal has been held since 1975. Once attended by representatives of the Americas only, the Montreal forum has attracted book publishers from all over the world in the past...
25.11.2008 - 00:00
Historical memories to be united for European citizens to emerge
“Geopolitics, reconciliation, and remembrance” is the topic of a large-scale international conference involving some leading European scholars that is to be held in Kyiv on December 4-6. The...
25.11.2008 - 00:00
Maidan: no entry for politicians
The Day has prepared a questionnaire in commemoration of the fourth anniversary of the Orange revolution.
Below are the first answers to the following questions:
1. This year we are marking the...