Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№38, (2003)

09.12.2003 - 00:00

On the 225th birth anniversary of Hryhory Kvitka-Osnovyanenko

When son Hryhory was born into the family of Fedir Kvitka, representative of a well-known and respected senior Cossack and later noble landlord Northern Ukrainian clan, in his lordly estate of Osnova...
09.12.2003 - 00:00

Which Integration to Shun?

What is the price of integration with the European Union, Single Economic Space, and both structures simultaneously? The conference, International Experience of Regional Forms of Integration,...
09.12.2003 - 00:00

The Conference of the Captive Nations of Eastern Europe and Asia was held sixty years ago

The Bolshevik propaganda machine produced a large number of myths and legends that were far from the historical truth, but which helped establish the misleading principles of builders of communism...
09.12.2003 - 00:00

How to Answer the Challenge of Three Empires?

CRISIS OF NATION-STATES We are witness to the degradation of national (Westphalian) sovereignties, but this does not mean that new organized sovereignties are not emerging in the form of...
09.12.2003 - 00:00

What should the church-state relationships be like?

A round table, The State and the Church: Cooperating or Being Used, took place the Friday before last. Personally I found the title a bit mystifying. It was organized by the Party of the Christian...
09.12.2003 - 00:00

In Search of the Ukrainian Elite

Alla BOIKO, professor: “In my opinion, the choice the Kyiv Spiritual Academy professors made after the 1917-1919 bloodshed was a true display of elite behavior and devotion to their ideals. While...
09.12.2003 - 00:00

Last Tuesday Kyiv elected Miss Wheelchair

This was the FALBI-2003 International Open Contest for the Disabled. Thirty Ukrainian women opted for participation in the contest, with only seven of them getting through the first round and three...
09.12.2003 - 00:00

Small but useful

In the past couple of years Ukraine’s exports to the EU more than doubled. Moreover, after the new wave of EU enlargement next May the common European market could top the list of the recipients of...
09.12.2003 - 00:00

Dnipropetrovsk to Commemorate Holodomor Victims

Construction of the monument commemorating the victims of the Holodomor Manmade Famine- Genocide and political reprisals will soon begin in the southern outskirts of Dnipropetrovsk. The first...
09.12.2003 - 00:00

Why Ukrainian artists describe such trips as cultural tourism

Documenta 2003 sounds almost as impressive as the Kassel Documenta Art Show, a most prestigious exposition of contemporary art held once every four years in Germany. The concept of the current...
09.12.2003 - 00:00

Cheap Farce

Triptych hosts Temo Svireli’s one-man show. Its name, Cheap Farce, does not look quite appropriate, since it bears an unnecessary disdainful nuance. Meanwhile, Temo Svireli’s painting bears no...
09.12.2003 - 00:00

Maiboroda’s Rhapsody

On December 3 the National Opera of Ukraine hosted a soiree commemorating the famous Ukrainian composers, brothers Heorhy and Platon Maiboroda. Each has left a sizable creative heritage in the...
09.12.2003 - 00:00


“I splashed paint from a glass, Smearing daily routine...” (Vladimir Mayakovsky) Remembering Mark Twain, I might say that I have been both Prince and the Pauper, both personalities...
09.12.2003 - 00:00

Learning from the Big Neighbor

The Russian Federation’s State Duma has recently passed an amendment to the current law On Days of Military Glory (Days of Victory). The list includes nine new Russian holidays, from the one...
09.12.2003 - 00:00

Pereyaslav in the Focus of History – Or Bidding Far ewell to Myths

Historical myths are compared to a sweet poison and with reason. With the passage of time (especially when such myths are enforced by a totalitarian regime), a nation finds itself subconsciously but...
