№4, (2000)
08.02.2000 - 00:00
Maneuver on the March
Ukraine needs a new, detailed, and financially sustainable military reform. All previous attempts to do this were false starts rather than movements toward a clearly defined goal, building a strong...
08.02.2000 - 00:00
Odesa: from Vision Regained to Transplanted Hearts
65 years perhaps might represent the distance between two great events in world science
In 1936, Ukraine’s and the then USSR’s first experimental research Institute of Ophthalmology was...
08.02.2000 - 00:00
President’s intervention in Crimean tempest has led to a temporary calm
Crimean Speaker Leonid Hrach has highly appreciated the results of the extraordinary session of the Crimean Supreme Council which ended February 1 after “hearing” the government’s report (there was...
08.02.2000 - 00:00
Government Plans Measures to Stimulate Ukrainization
Ukraine’s government is going to expand the scope of use of the Ukrainian language while simultaneously de-Russifying certain areas. The Language Policy Council responsible to the President of...
08.02.2000 - 00:00
Is Russian Foreign Ministry Considering Commenting on Ukrainian Constitution?
Russia’s Foreign Ministry has voiced its serious concern over the stricter “administrative and other measures aimed against the preservation and development of the Russian language” in Ukraine....
08.02.2000 - 00:00
Ukraine’s rosy dreams to sell Turkey a thousand new T-84 tanks to re-equip the Turkish army might well remain just pipe dreams. The Ankara military are becoming more and more enamored of the German...
08.02.2000 - 00:00
The Holocaust Began in Ukraine
I have personally spoken with Kyivans who begged the Jews: “Give us your children. We’ll raise them as Jews.”
And they answered, “No, they will perish together with their people.”
My wife...
08.02.2000 - 00:00
Prague is scheduled to introduce visa requirements for Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus in three months, and not from February 1, as the Czech government previously decided. During this time, Czech...
08.02.2000 - 00:00
Immunization Against Adjournment
November 7, commemorating another anniversary of the Bolshevik coup (still remembered by many as the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917), will no longer be observed in Ukraine. Toward the end...
08.02.2000 - 00:00
Under President de Gaulle France witnessed eight referendums
At present, debate is centered on whether or not a referendum should be held. We are witness to various points of view and approaches. Some say that a stable political system will not be secured...
08.02.2000 - 00:00
This week in history
February 8: 1654. The Pereyaslav Rada took place in which the Cossacks swore loyalty to the Muscovite tsar as their suzerain.
1994. Ukraine in Brussels joined the NATO Partnership for Peace...
08.02.2000 - 00:00
We live in a time of fundamental break
February is likely to be a turning point in the privatization process. A knowledgeable source told The Day that the Cabinet is slated to hold a brief closed-door session in the next few days to raise...
08.02.2000 - 00:00
Ukrainization Returns?
Having defended a doctoral dissertation on the Ukrainization policy of the 1920s, I cannot pass over in silence the announcement by Prime Minister Yushchenko of additional measures to strengthen the...
08.02.2000 - 00:00
Are they hitting Ukraine while aiming at Gore?
The allegations of Pavlo Lazarenko about Ukraine’s “misappropriation” of IMF loans, published late last week in The Financial Times, may essentially complicate the foreign debt restructuring scheme...
08.02.2000 - 00:00
Green Portfolio Puts Finger on Red Button
The ink had not even dried on the presidential decree naming Rukh member Ivan Zayets the new Minister for Ecology and Natural Resources (incidentally, the last vacancy in the Yushchenko government)...