Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№41, (2013)

27.06.2013 - 11:22

“When you get to work, Ukraine should be felt in it”

Collection of ceramics and blan­kets made of wool from Ivano-Frankivsk region was presented at the joint exhibition that opened on June 19 at the National Union of Craftsmen of Ukraine.Craftsman...
27.06.2013 - 11:20

“Chance for consolidation”

The exposition of the best photo­graphs from The Day’s Inter­na­tio­nal Photo Contest 2012 was de­ploy­ed in the main building of National University “Lviv...
27.06.2013 - 11:18

World recognizes metropolitan’s ideas

Kyiv saw the other day a series of events that illustrated a more profound dialogue and mutual understanding between the Ukrainian and Jewish peoples.One of the events was a three-day congress of the...
27.06.2013 - 11:16

Lavra and St. Sophia’s Cathedral are left in the top status, the fate of Carpathian churches and Chersonesus is still up in the air

The UNESCO World Heritage Com­mittee made a decision to leave Kyiv Cave Monastery (Kyiv Pe­chersk Lavra) and the National San­c­tuary “Sophia of Kyiv” on the World...
27.06.2013 - 11:15

Art symbols of Anna Milevska

Anna Milevska participated in many art exhibitions, but only the ones of many artists. When Kyiv Art Spring began with the International exhibition-competition “Uk­rai­nian Art Week...
27.06.2013 - 11:12

From mysticism to art

The first cars, participating in the International Rally Beijing-Paris, began to ar­rive to Lviv on June 22. And on the morning of June 23 with plenty of souvenirs and positive impression of...
27.06.2013 - 11:10

And the fairy tale begins…

The exhibition can be viewed at the Kyiv National Mu­seum of Russian Art. The ex­hi­bi­tion features 30 art works of the latest period of the artist’s creative career, which are...
27.06.2013 - 11:08

Nuclear Waste nominated for the “European Oscar”

The filmmaker Myroslav Sla­bo­shpytsky’s 24-minute-long do­cu­mentary Nuclear Waste has joined the contest for the European Film Academy (EFA) awards in the Best Short Film of...
27.06.2013 - 11:06

Lauren KEISER: “Today, if you steal music from the Internet you don’t get into prison for that, but we are working on it”

Lauren Keiser – American com­poser, Vice President of the Inter­national Confederation of Music Publishers, recently delivered a lecture in Kyiv on copyright and pirate web­sites....
27.06.2013 - 11:00

A new home...

The photo exhibition “Ukraine, a New Home” opened in the Ver­khovna Rada of Ukraine’s build­ing on June 20, marking the World Refugee Day. The exhibition will last for a...
27.06.2013 - 10:57

His Holiness Patriarch Filaret: “We are celebrating an event that occurred in 988 in Kyiv”

On July 27 we will be marking the 1,025th anniversary of the baptism of Rus’-Ukraine. This inter­deno­mina­tional event (all Chris­tian denominations will take part in the...
27.06.2013 - 10:55

Eternal Homecoming

The main competition of the festival included 16 films. The geographical scope is quite re­pre­sentative: from the Nether­lands and Turkey to Japan and South Ko­rea. The host country...
27.06.2013 - 10:52

Telling lies over the abyss

Food security was as popular a trend about 20 years ago as energy independence is now – the talk of the town indeed. There was not a forum, a summit, or a meeting with big shots on the stage,...
27.06.2013 - 10:50

A revamped Constitution or “a mere facelift”?

June 28 marks 17 years since the adoption of the Ukraine’s Constitution. Des­pite its young age, it has gone through a rather complicated process of formation, which, judging from the work...
27.06.2013 - 10:48

What will the Association Agreement give Donbas?

“Kyiv Dialog” is an independent non-political initiative that emerged from the dia­log of Ukrainian and German civil so­cie­ties about the idea of creation of a free,...
