Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№49, (2015)

08.09.2015 - 12:35

An important lesson in history

If you still think that a museum means boring exhibits in dusty showcases and you know the history of your country from the school curriculum and TV news, be sure to visit “Cross and Trident...
08.09.2015 - 12:33

For the first time in Kherson

The exhibition is hosted by the Shovkunenko Kherson Regional Art Museum. Despite the artist’s long creative career, Fedorovych is holding an exhibition in Kherson for the first time.He is a...
08.09.2015 - 12:19

“Literature which is ahead of its time”

In this season Den has prepared an unprecedented repertory of new publications. Soon at the Publishers’ Forum in Lviv as many as four of the books will be presented, edited by Den’s...
08.09.2015 - 12:13

Hans BOLAND: “It was Russia that was born out of Ukraine, and not the other way around”

Russian literature, and Pushkin first and foremost, fills Hans Boland’s whole life. The well-known Dutch translator, Slavic linguist, and writer has translated almost all lyrical works by the...
08.09.2015 - 11:58

The joy of homecoming

Homecoming is always a thrilling event. People worry about the way they will be welcomed back. They are also curious to see how things have changed during their absence. Natalia Lialiuk first...
08.09.2015 - 11:50

Parliamentary “physiognomy”

Watching the voting for amendments to the Constitution on August 31, listening to MPs at the rostrum with their sad or bombastic speeches the following day, and glimpsing some grinning in the lobby,...
08.09.2015 - 11:47

“Russia needs a thorough cleaning”

Twenty years in a high-security prison camp is the aggressor’s sentence on a person who is taking a civic stand. In the view of many, Putin has surpassed Stalin in cynicism and cruelty. Oleh...
08.09.2015 - 11:41

Navigator of hope

Yevhen Siroshenko was born in Mykolaiv oblast. The young man is 20 and in two years he will become a navigator, fulfilling his cherished dream. We met at the naval port of Odesa where the frigate...
08.09.2015 - 11:32

This boat is a unique discovery for our country

Unique discovery was found outside the Starosillia village in Manevychi raion by local fishermen. The particularly dry summer this year has contributed to the fact that not only wells and rivers grow...
08.09.2015 - 11:31

Ukraine Multiethnic

The hall of the Social Service of Ukraine in Poltava has become the place for the presentation of an artistic documentary movie by Lilia Tkachenko – Ukraine Multiethnic. The film is a...
08.09.2015 - 11:27

“The protesters were manipulated”

The most tragic topic of the passing week was the fight outside the parliament on Monday, August 31, when the deputies approved the first reading of the amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine....
Alexis Tsipras
08.09.2015 - 11:23

What will Greece be like after Tsipras?

Greece is to hold a snap parliamentary election on September 20 – for the second time this year. It will be recalled that the first early election was held past January because that country...
Крістін Лагард
08.09.2015 - 11:16

“Den’s books make for a fantastic gift”

Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde is on a working visit to Ukraine. During a meeting with the top leadership of our country, including President Petro Poroshenko...
08.09.2015 - 10:51

The heroic feat of a person of honor

When the KGB was killing him in cold blood (and there is little doubt by now that it was a murder, and worse still, a premeditated one, despite the labor camp’s administration officially...