Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№50, (2010)

23.09.2010 - 00:00


PACE president explains what kind of reaction he expects of YanukovychMevlut Cavusoglu, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, declared that the Ukrainian authorities have...
23.09.2010 - 00:00

The Presidential Administration fails to eye the auto race sponsor

What really causes surprise is the ability of Ukrainian leaders, no matter what color their party flag is, to get into a fix. In a burst of showing good feelings towards to a territorially large...
23.09.2010 - 00:00

Stasi archive in Kyiv: When will Ukrainians see the KGB archives?

Year after year Ukrainians face the same problems. Often they pertain to the realm of history, sometimes heated by yet another election campaign, but the fact remains: Ukraine cannot escape the...
23.09.2010 - 00:00

Small banks are like small rivers

Bank workers note that one of the most controversial events of the past couple of months was the National Bank of Ukraine’s decision No.273 about cutting banks’ requirements on minimal...
23.09.2010 - 00:00

Serhii KHARCHUK: I fight for my cultural space

He is responsible, well-read, and short-spoken. He is easy-mannered. He wears casual clothes, and produces an impression of a West European. He has a sense of humor and good taste. Apparently, this...
23.09.2010 - 00:00

This day in history

1846: German astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle is the first person to see Neptune, the eighth planet of the Solar System, from the Berlin Observatory (with the assistance of his student Heinrich...
23.09.2010 - 00:00

Morning exercises

The Kyiv City Council approved a program for schoolchildren of grades 1 to 4, indicating that the city authorities have finally started caring about young Kyivites’ health. The decision to hold...
23.09.2010 - 00:00

The European paradigm of Ukraine

On September 18, Oxana PACHLIOVSKA, The Day’s contributor and head of the chair of Ukrainian Studies at La Sapienza University in Rome, celebrates her birthday. We cordially congratulate...
23.09.2010 - 00:00

The fall exacerbation

The current season is decisive for both the government and the opposition. It will determine the character of the year 2011. It will answer the question: Who will retire as a politician and what new...
23.09.2010 - 00:00

To Ukraine with love

On September 24, an exhibit of Roksolana Tymiak-Lonchyna (Chicago, USA) will be launched in the Olena Zamostian Arts Gallery of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. The exhibition includes 119 photographs she took...
23.09.2010 - 00:00

Anticipating reverse real estate auctions

The developer company Pivdenzakhidtransbud announced the launch of a unique, for the Ukrainian market, mechanism of selling residential real estate — the so-called reverse auction. The real estate...
23.09.2010 - 00:00

Sino-Japanese conflict

The barometer of Sino-Japanese relations suddenly showed stormy weather. This happened following what first looked like a minor accident, when the Chinese Minjinyu 5179 fishing trawler either...
23.09.2010 - 00:00

France rips off the burqa

On September 14, the upper house of the French parliament voted through a law banning the wearing of burqas (an all-enveloping cloak worn by some Muslim women) and niqabs (face veil) in public places...
23.09.2010 - 00:00

Poet and artist Mykola Tkachuk

Taras Shevchenko once said that if you can’t write, you should paint. That’s what happened to Mykola Tkachuk. Volhynian poetry lovers admired his first collection of verse Tender Rage....
23.09.2010 - 00:00

Ukraine’s fisheries in danger

Experts raise the alarm: fish are disappearing in the country. In the early 1950s, one could fish some 50 different species of fish in the Dnipro. According to experts, now this region, previously...
