Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№50, (2016)

07.09.2016 - 18:10

Do Ukraine needs Poland as its ambassador in the EU?

It seems that relations between Ukraine and Poland are moving into a new pragmatic phase which will focus on intensifying cooperation and solving specific problems. As an example, one can point to...
07.09.2016 - 18:07

When will Ukrainians feel improvements?

“Reviewing Reforms in Ukraine: When Will People Feel the Positive Result?” This rather provocative phrase is the title of the speech made at the Open World debate club by Johannes...
07.09.2016 - 18:05

Levada Center blacklisted as “foreign agent”

A few days ago, Russia’s Ministry of Justice put Levada Center, considered as the most independent of the three leading Russian public opinion survey organizations, on the list of “...
07.09.2016 - 18:03

Klitschko announced the results of negotiations in Tokyo

“In the framework of 2014-15 Kyoto Protocol we have refurbished 120 cars. This allowed to extend their service lifetime by 20 years and save up to 40 percent of electricity. Itochu is...
07.09.2016 - 18:02

Karimov dies. What’s next?

President Karimov of Uzbekistan was buried in his native Samarkand at the Shah-i-Zinda complex of mausoleums, where his parents repose. The memorial service was held near Tillya Kori Madrasah on...
07.09.2016 - 17:59

The government’s parallel realities

The MPs opened the fall session on September 6 to the sound of protesters chanting slogans and miners banging their helmets on the pavement. Tanned and rested MPs listened dutifully to solemn...
07.09.2016 - 17:54

THE TRUE PROBLEMS of media environment

It often happens that while reading a decent text, you agree with most of the author’s arguments and conclusions until you come across a small detail, and your impressions of the stuff change...
07.09.2016 - 17:51

The reflections of summer in mom’s hollyhocks

Terebovlianski Sady (Terebovlia Gardens) in Ternopil region is a former village, which is now part of Terebovlia. It was called after the luxurious gardens abundant in this location. This place...
07.09.2016 - 17:49

Juliusz Slowacki gathers Ukrainians and Poles in Kremenets for the 12th time

More than fifty scholars, writers, museum workers of Ukraine, Poland, Spain, France, Greece, Switzerland, as well as Polish and Ukrainian officials, participate in the 12th International Literary and...
07.09.2016 - 17:45

“It would be easier to name the writers whose books I have never illustrated…”

He graduated from Kyiv Art Institute with the professional artist’s certificate in 1960. Also, it was in the city on the Dnipro that he met his life partner Tamara Nekhoda, and their happy...
07.09.2016 - 17:41

The evolution of hryvnia

A twisted neck accessory dated 11th-12th centuries and made of precious metal is actually the hryvna, which, according to the opinion of many scientists, gave the name to the Ukrainian currency....
07.09.2016 - 17:37

“Common heritage and responsibility”

On September 4, the first stage of the project was presented to Lviv community: the preserved remains of the “Golden Rose” synagogue, the foundation of a House of Learning (Bet Ha-Midrash...
07.09.2016 - 17:35

Dnipro will be hearing jazz

“Jazz on the Dnipro River” will bring together leading jazz musicians. The main festival events will take place on Monastyrsky Island. Guests will be transported across Shevchenko Park....