Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№7, (2004)

24.02.2004 - 00:00

Navy’s Black Sea Integration

The Sevastopol-based Ukrainian Navy’s press service has quoted Rear- Admiral Ihor Kniaz, Officer Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Navy, as saying that the development of relations between the...
24.02.2004 - 00:00

Ukrainian Paralympians Win Big in Canada

The final round of the Paralympics Skiing World Cup ended recently in Orford, Canada. In the closing stage the Ukrainian winter Paralympics team was represented by team leaders Olena Yurkovska,...
24.02.2004 - 00:00

Kyiv Girl to Follow In Sharon Stone's Footsteps

Only three agencies in the world — Elite (Elite Model Look), Metropolitan (Metropolitan Top Model), and Ford Models (Ford Models Supermodel of the World) — hold their own competitions of models. And...
24.02.2004 - 00:00

Ukrainian Collection

Kyiv's audio company Atlantic has launched a unique CD series, envisaging disks and audio cassettes with a variety of modern Ukrainian music, representing the most popular rock groups and solo...
24.02.2004 - 00:00

How do these notions tally?

Are the most sought-after books always on the best-seller list? Could people be after book titles left out of promotional campaigns? What is it that makes a title/author popular? I tried to find...
24.02.2004 - 00:00

Halychyna begets a cultural elite

The number of knights in Halychyna registers a sharp increase. The Lviv Opera finally hosted a ceremony announcing and honoring the most prominent figures winning the contest Galician King ‘04. In...
24.02.2004 - 00:00

Deep Sorcery

Andriy Levytsky, a graphic artist of Kyiv, held a personal exhibit at the Tadzio Gallery. He titled it Intaglio (incised carving, as opposed to carving in relief). Levytsky’s most characteristic...
24.02.2004 - 00:00

A memorial plaque was put up recently in honor of Ivan Fedorov (Fedorovych) on Onufry Monastery’s wall in Lviv

Historians claim that the corner of Lviv’s Krakivska and Virmenska streets, now a children’s playground, was once the place of Ivan Fedorov’s printing shop. To set up a new print shop in what was...
24.02.2004 - 00:00

Episodes from the history of Ukrainian literature of the early 1970s

In February 2003 Ukraine’s leadership celebrated the 85th jubilee of the 1972-1989 KPU First Secretary Volodymyr Shcherbytsky. The initiators of this celebration wished to remain unidentified....
24.02.2004 - 00:00

“There can be no free trade without exemptions,” Mykola BILOBLOTSKY is convinced

“Mr. Biloblotsky, what are the government’s priorities in trade relations with Russia for 2004?” “In general, the top priority is no doubt a free trade zone. This is not even the goal of our...
24.02.2004 - 00:00

What is the correct proportion between industrial and postindustrial development?

Almost 80% of the US population are involved in the non-manufacturing sector, i.e., research, education, public health, and culture, which provides for the all-round development of human beings....
24.02.2004 - 00:00

If the donors did not fall prey to misinformation

Academician Mykola Amosov was asked once what he thought made the difference between a backward and a civilized country. The noted cardiac surgeon instantly replied, “Practicing heart transplants is...
24.02.2004 - 00:00

Collective Conspiracy

Last week the leaders of six parties — SDPU(o), the Party of the Regions, Agrarian Party, National-Democratic Party, Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, and Labor Ukraine — and three deputy...
24.02.2004 - 00:00

Experts believe that human traffickers might be earning $12 billion a year in Ukraine

Half of all prostitutes visiting Turkey know exactly what their line of business is all about Alina has been sold and resold 26 times during her 9-month stay in Turkey These individuals —...
24.02.2004 - 00:00

A Game on a Common Field

Oddly enough, the coming presidential campaign, so long blamed for almost all the political vicissitudes in this country, is practically no longer affecting the electoral attitudes of our compatriots...
