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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Some self-reflections

18 July, 2006 - 00:00

The latest developments in Ukraine have forced even those citizens, who steer clear of politics for a variety of reasons, to reflect on politics and politicians. Many of us feel that society was given a slap in the face, and nobody seems to be challenging the attackers to a duel. Here are a few reflections on our common problems.

Does our nation need politicians who are unable to foresee the nearest future?

If a politician is laying his cards on the table, this means they are false.

Politics is a public arena where, as it has become clear, even the subtlest female intuition does not work.

Spontaneous metamorphoses are the main trait of Ukrainian politicians. We will continue to shock the world with our flexibility!

Judas Iscariot was a weak-willed person, who could not bear his own success.

Ukraine has nurtured a new type of politician — a blend of noble Ukrainian “socialist” and Janus-faced Charles-Maurice Talleyrand- Perigord.

People! Beware of knights without fear and reproach, those who are right even when they betray!

When a snake sheds its skin, it is still a snake — its reserves of poison are not depleted.

There are no comrades-in-arms in politics; there are only temporary fellow travelers.

The highest art is to go with a proudly raised head against your own people.

God forbid that on a path overlooking an abyss we bump into a politician, who is rushing toward his real goal (not just a declarative one)!

One keeps silent because he has nothing to say, another does so because he is afraid of blabbing.

The rumors of the suicide of some Ukrainian politicians are greatly exaggerated (as far as we know, no politician has ever shot himself for purely political reasons).

Politicians are raised in a quiet swamp. (The devils ran away a long time ago (allusion to a Ukrainian proverb — Ed.).

I would dearly love to know if all the bulldogs have crawled out from underneath that carpet of which Winston Churchill used to speak. Or are there still some chimeras there?

Betrayal never occurs just once: it always tempts success.

It is never too late to betray someone — and always profitable.

Treachery is like lightning: it is an eye-opener even for the blind.

Diabolus ex-machina means that what is done by night appears by day.

A piece of practical advice to traitors: don’t rush to smile flatteringly at your new bosses — it does not look nice and, on top of it, it’s not profitable. You should wait at least a while for politeness’ sake.

One of the latest great disappointments in our society: Lady Yu appeared not to have foreseen this course of events. Who could have expected this? Does this mean that the rumors of her capabilities were somewhat exaggerated? What a pity!

Only a fool keeps his promises and commitments: it is entirely different kind of person who goes places.

Ukrainian “socialist” (and communist) ideology is like the proverbial law that always has a loophole. A popular belief: if the construction of an elite hostel has been resumed in a Kyiv park, this is a sign that the Moscow regions have come to power.

Diplomacy has been the art of intrigue in all times throughout the world. But, gentlemen, you should know your limits, too. Otherwise, as history shows, you will end up without your well-earned remuneration but also without a country!

There were times when an individual did not dare, under certain circumstances, to look people in the eyes. This problem no longer exists: it is very comfortable to look a television in the eye.

“You today, tomorrow it’s my turn. Let the losers cry and weep!”

Real politics is behind-the-scenes politics, and one cannot always guess who the stage director is. But we know it only too well: our stage directors have been behind the same scene for centuries on end.

Nobody sympathizes with those who lost in a game played behind the scenes. The winners are hated and the losers are despised.

Woe to both winners and losers! Woe to a nation that has to choose between some and others!

In conclusion, a rhetorical question: what are Ukrainian political scientists and analytical centers, which cost this country a pretty penny, actually doing? The answer is clear and simple: they are brilliantly interpreting the past events — what has already been.

And now the main thing: will children receive a “good” education in a country where public politicians have a propensity to betray one another?

By Klara GUDZYK, The Day