Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Bravo, DakhaBrakha!

The famous Ukrainian ethnic chaos music band gives a successful performance in Washington
27 November, 2017 - 17:55
Photo by Artem SLIPACHUK, The Day

DakhaBrakha was founded by the well-known director Vladyslav Troitskyi. Its title is derived from the Ukrainian words “davaty” (to give) and “braty” (to take), according to Hrinchenko’s dictionary. As a music band, DakhaBrakha was founded specifically for the Mystical Ukraine theater project, launched by Troitskyi at the Dakh Center of Contemporary Art back in 2004. The band started to gradually broaden its artistic framework, creating a unique style, ethnic chaos. The songs performed in an authentic manner combine the sounds of numerous music instruments from different corners of the world and used in a variety of music genres, such as minimalism, hip hop, soul, and blues. The band is recording albums, going on numerous tours, presenting the unique culture of our country throughout the world.

Recently DakhaBrakha has given a concert in Washington. The Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine to the US Valerii Chalyi awarded the artists with a letter of honor. In a Facebook publication the press service of the Ukrainian Embassy to the US writes: “The audience of nearly 700 Americans, on their side, were greeting the Ukrainian ‘Shchedryk’ song, a Crimean Tatar song, and a variety of other compositions performed at one of the greatest venues of the US capital, Strathmore Music Center, with a storm of applause.”

Incidentally, before the performance the diplomats and representatives of the US Ukrainian community volunteer organization “United Help Ukraine” held a discussion regarding the implementation of the charity projects to support Ukraine.
