The film was written and produced by Dmytro Tomashpolskyi and directed by Aliona Demianenko. Its focus is a journalistic investigation that takes place nowadays. An elderly resident of the Maison Russe, a Russian emigre retirement home in the Paris suburb of Sainte Genevieve de Bois, is on his last legs. The old man owns the diary of his grandmother Fanny Kaplan. Kyiv-based journalist Maryna gets access to the diary and learns a poignant story of Kaplan’s “blind” love for Viktor Garsky, who twice used Feige (Fanny) Kaplan as a pawn in his political games...
The protagonist was played by actress Kateryna Molchanova. Let us recall that Jamala’s song “Promise” became the film’s soundtrack. My Grandmother Fanny Kaplan was screened for the first time at the 2016 Odesa International Film Festival. The jury awarded a prize to actor Myroslav Slaboshpytskyi, who played Dmitry Ulyanov. Also, the film was presented in the Spectrum section of the International Film Festival in Cottbus (Germany) in early November. And now, the Ukrainian filmmakers have won another award, the prize for the best international film shown at the London festival. The report on it has been posted on the film’s Facebook page. The Crystal Palace International Film Festival was founded in 2009. It is held annually in Crystal Palace neighborhood in south London, the website of the National Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine reports.
“It is cool and crazily funny! The London Crystal Palace International Film Festival has awarded its Prize for the Best International Film to My Grandmother Fanny Kaplan,” the report reads.
By the way, this history drama will come to Ukrainian cinemas on December 8.