At dusk the smell of lilac, the bushes of which surround the house of the great actress, becomes clearer (she especially liked lilac). As if wishing to remind Maria Zankovetska of this fragrance, the performance organizers started it outside, placing photographic portraits of Zankovetska right on lilac branches near the entrance to the house. Theatrical masks were used as a pass for visitors. A night at the museum is so unusual and romantic! Perhaps because at night the stars are brighter, feelings are stronger, recollections are more intense. At night one can encounter the guards of the house – specters. There, in the window of the first floor, a mysterious figure in a black hood covering its face flashed by. Is it really a ghost?
It was the idea of the employees of Zankovetska Museum headed by director Natalia Babanska to honor the memory of the favorite Ukrainian actress. It took place within the framework of celebrating International Museum Day with an unusual performance “Specter of the Actress’ House.” The famous actress Larysa Kadyrova played the Specter (it was she who, while working in Zankovetska Lviv Theater for 20 years, appeared on stage as Zankovetska). Kadyrova, as nobody else, knows the fate of this legendary woman. Having in some way tried her life on, she merged with her concerns, sufferings and joys, professional successes and human sorrows.
Larysa Kadyrova met the audience in one of memorial rooms of the museum sitting near the make-up table, as if she were a ghost of Zankovetska. Real exhibits created a corresponding set up – a stylized box of stage, theatrical costumes, posters of plays from those years, numerous photos, things of everyday life, and personal belongings of Maria Zankovetska. We heard the sound of violins and harpsichord (the Kyiv-Baroque ensemble was playing), the city’s noise couldn’t be heard. Kadyrova, trying on a black velvet mask with a veil which belonged to Zankovetska to get into the role of the good Specter, took us on a wonderful excursion. Telling how she played the role of Zankovetska on stage, Larysa remembered events and facts. Thus, the illusion of telling the story of one’s life was created.
The emotional account of Kadyrova inspiration was balanced by facts, documents and letters. Director Natalia Babanska acquainted us with extracts from them. The passionate love story of Maria Zankovetska and Mykola Sadovsky was shown through a literary composition of letters prepared by students of Karpenko-Kary National University of Theater, Cinema and Television. Moving from room to room, following the hospitable hostess Zankovetska-Kadyrova, those present received information about episodes from her life, were charmed by the beauty of the actress’ inner world, fascinated by her selfless sacrifice to theater, and saddened by her loneliness. With awe they scrutinized the miniature book Natalka Poltavka from which Maria Zankovetska learned her debut role, which took place in Yelisavethrad in 1882. They were also shown a duplicate of the white rose the enamored Zankovetska handed over to Sadovsky after the performance, being delighted with his play, so much feeling… Touching tender words of Mykola with which he addressed his beloved in letters: “my loved little heart!” “little baby,” “my little bird,” “my little black daw,” “my little pussycat.” The world of relations, moving and tragic, as if vibrating with old emotions, touched by descendants.
After a theatrical excursion employees of the museum held an auction where three lots were sold: a jubilee coin made for the 150th anniversary of the birth of Maria Zankovetska, a season ticket for free visits to the Museum, and a unique publication of Talan (Destiny) about the life and creative activity of Zankovetska, created by the employees of the Museum.
In the night Kyiv sky May stars twinkled. Among them was the “star of Maria Zankovetska.” This unusual trip with a guide – the good spirit of the actress’ house Zankovetska-Kadyrova – came to an end. Prophecies of the Specter became the last surprise. Every guest drew his or her own out of a sack. I got a very optimistic one: “Soon your fate will change for the better!”