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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Panels and Easter eggs made of... straw

“Easter Peals” is the name chosen by Olha Denysiuk for her new series of filigree-like works
11 April, 2018 - 15:44

Works of this talented Kyiv artist, art historian, teacher, and art critic fascinate with their craftsmanship, because they are decorative panels made of... straw, which, by their artistic qualities, are not inferior to works of painting! The artist prepared her exhibition for the Easter holiday. The compositions are housed on the premises of the National Sanctuary “Sophia of Kyiv” (in the Zaborovsky Gate museum). The exposition presents about 30 decorative panels, as well as straw Easter eggs made in the artist’s unique technique.

According to the organizers of the exhibition, Denysiuk continues the Ukrainian tradition of decorative applied art which involved straw, and uses only natural materials, namely barley or rye straw. This technology makes each composition unique. Work on each piece is very painstaking and lasts for at least six months!

The master’s pictures are complex compositions, which feature volume and perspective. The creator deals with the issues of nature, spirituality, and tradition. Visitors have the opportunity to look into the world of art, ethnics, philosophy, and folk culture.



The “Easter Peals” exhibition represents the artist’s creative work for the past 15 years. These are, first of all, religious compositions, architectural and landscape motifs. Specially for this project, Denysiuk has chosen panels that demonstrate uniqueness and, at the same time, unity of different parts of Ukraine, its various religious “poles,” and also call for spiritual unity.

All works on display are united by the theme of the bright holiday of Resurrection. They comprise the artist’s landmark and already well-known compositions, such as Entry to Jerusalem, A Cathedral, The Essence of Life, Madonna, and Festive Peals, as well as those that are exhibited for the first time, including A Bell Tower, The Golden Field of Ukraine, and An Angel of Easter Egg Painting Art.

The works are done in an elegant and at the same time very complicated technique. The artist “molds the shape” with straw, using only natural shades of barley or rye straw, without any colorants. Art critics note the innovative nature, uniqueness, and originality of the master’s creative manner. Each work is unique, because it is impossible to make an exact copy of it, just like there cannot be two identical stems. According to Denysiuk, it is the straw as material that defines the style of each of her works...

The exhibition will last till April 30.
