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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Ten Unexpected Stories from the Contemporaries

20 May, 2010 - 00:00

A novelty has appeared in bookstores: the collection Decameron. 10 Ukrainian prose writers of recent years. It is published by the Kharkiv-based publishing house Club of Family Rest in the Stars of Ukrainian Prose series. The anthology brought together many writers: Serhii Zhadan, Lubko Deresh, Anatolii Dnistrovy, Irena Karpa, Sofia Andrukhovych, Svitlana Pyrkalo, Taras Prokhasko, Svitlana Povaliaieva, Natalka Sniadanko and Sashko Ushkalov. “The collection testifies that Ukrainian belles-lettres did not only grow up and now firmly stands on its feet but also that it replenishes the body of real literature at its best,” said Yurko Izdryk, writer and Decameron editor in the Ye bookstore during the collection’s presentation. The authors Dnistrovy, Zhadan, Povaliaieva, Andrukhovych and Ushkalov read passages from their works found in Decameron. Serhii Zhadan, compiler of the anthology, noted that the works in the collection are not united by any theme, only by their lyricism. Ten unexpected stories electrify the reader from the very first word. They provide an opportunity to fantasize while holding ones breath, and expect an unusual outcome of the stormy events. The authors of the anthology will hold a presentation tour in the cities of Ukraine. The publishing house Club of Family Rest also plans to publish one more collection – of poetry this time (10 Ukrainian Poets of the Recent Years).

By Alisa Antonenko