Ukrainian designers and the Ukrainian Fashion Week (UFW) continue to multiply not just the country’s fashion capital, but also its cultural one. As it was aptly underlined by the general producer of the UFW, Volodymyr Nechyporuk, “fashion is not only clothes and accessories, but rather a trend for actions, innovations and deeds.” The UFW implements a new trend, a fashion for patriotism. “Patriotism not just in words, but in your deeds, in your attitude to your country, city and environment,” Nechyporuk emphasizes.” Within the framework of the announced trend, the co-founder of the UFW Oleksandr Sokolovsky has initiated the action “Kiev Fashion Park,” owing to which modern sculpture and installations of the best Ukrainian sculptors will appear in Kyiv’s parks, and places for recreation, with sketches done by famous Ukrainian designers.
While the fashion world is packing their suitcases for a trip to Kyiv, on February 23 Ukrainian designers will go to Milan to take part in famous “White” exhibit. “This is a special courtesy of the organizers of the exhibit in Milan towards Ukrainian fashion,” says co-founder and head of the organizing committee of the UFW Iryna Danylev-ska, “The work by our designers Fedor Vozianov and Ihor Kikot impressed the Milan audience so much last year that this year they will be presented not just on a small traditional ground, like other participants, but in a separate big pavi-lion with a total area of 180 square meters, created specially for them.”
Besides the main showings, a range of other special events will also take place in March within the framework of the 28th Fashion Week. In particular, jointly with the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design the UFW will present the exhibit “From Gothic to Modern. History of European Fashion of the 15-19th Centuries.”
Traditionally, The Day will provide coverage for the UFW. And on March 17 through 22 TET TV Channel will broadcast the Diaries of the UFW. This spring the channel will be an exclusive TV broadcasting partner of the UFW.