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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Boris JOHNSON: “Putin risks turning Russia into a pariah nation”

12 October, 2016 - 18:40

Britain has evidence of the Russian Air Force’s involvement in the attack on humanitarian convoy near Aleppo. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson made this statement during an emergency parliamentary debate on the Syrian crisis. “If Russia continues on its current path then I believe that that great country is in danger of becoming a pariah nation. If President Putin’s strategy is to restore the greatness and the glory of Russia, then I believe he risks his ambition turning to ashes in the face of international contempt for what is happening in Syria,” he stressed.

Johnson also called on human rights organizations to hold protests outside the Russian Embassy in London, to show that the country was going the wrong way. Meanwhile, Conservative MP and former Secretary of State for International Development Andrew Mitchell accused Russia of treating Syrian civilians like the Nazis treated residents of the town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War.
