The latest decisions of the European Union executive institutions and their leaders’ statements on the possible model for relations with Ukraine as a neighbor and shelving for indeterminate future the issue of Ukraine’s membership in the EU do not mean that the question of entering this organization is removed from the agenda for the next few years. This opinion was voiced by Verkhovna Rada European Integration Committee Borys Tarasiuk at a meeting in Zhytomyr organized by local branch of Ukraine’s Club of Voters. In fact it was his answer to The Day’s question whether the EU has given up on our country as a potential equal partner. However, in Mr. Tarasiuk’s opinion, entering the EU should not be an end in itself for Ukraine, while its major goal at this point should be creating decent living conditions for its citizens and gradually achieving European standards in various spheres of the public life. The former head of the Foreign Ministry is convinced that the key conditions for doing this are strengthening democratic basis for society’s functioning and changing power. In this case, the European community’s view on Ukraine could change for the better in a significantly shorter time. Simultaneously, he added, the offer to give Ukraine neighbor status instead of defining the plans regarding Ukraine’s membership in the EU is a signal that there is a risk of our country to losing all hope for integration into Europe and NATO.
Speaking of his own plans, Mr. Tarasiuk informed the audience that this month he became a member of the People’s Rukh of Ukraine and the leaders of the Reforms and Order Party met this decision with understanding. When asked how much truth there is to the information that he was offered the leadership of Rukh, Mr. Tarasiuk said he is prepared to work in the organization in any capacity to further its transformation into a European-type party and regain its leading position among the patriotic and democratic forces. At present he is preparing suggestions and draft documents as a part of a working group for the next Rukh congress scheduled for May 2003, reports Valery KOSTIUKEVYCH, The Day.