Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

The Call of Ukrainians comes to Sardinia

It is the first monument commemorating the victims of the 1932-33 Ukrainian genocide to be unveiled in Western Europe
20 December, 2016 - 12:14
Photo from the website RADIOSVOBODA.ORG

The monument to the victims of the Ukrainian Holodomor was unveiled in a solemn ceremony in Cagliari, the capital of the autonomous region of Sardinia, on December 17, 2016. This is the first Western European monument of this size to commemorate the victims of the 1932-33 Ukrainian genocide. It is a multiton monolithic boulder of the valuable Sardinian nuricci stone which has been turned by hands and heart of the famous Italian sculptor Armandi (born as Armandino Lecca) into The Call of Ukrainians which gives voice to innocent victims of that terrible crime against humanity. It was no accident that the monument was unveiled in Sardinia. Precisely in that region, Ukrainian Italians’ aspirations to commemorate our murdered nationals successfully combined with a positive mood of Italian friends of Ukraine through the efforts of activists of the Ukrainian community, including the president of the OCHI Association Volodymyr Stepaniuk, diplomats of the Embassy of Ukraine in Italy, the Cagliari Municipality, and sculptor Armandino.

By Mykola SIRUK, The Day