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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert
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Come to <I>The Day</I>’s photography show at the Ukrainian House!

7 October, 2008 - 00:00

When fall comes around, people crave the warmth and comforts of home. The Day invites its readers to visit its 10th photography exhibit. Our project has long been dubbed “Ukraine’s family album,” which visitors peruse, sharing in the emotions of the photographers and their subjects. Exploring this photo exhibit, we realize that we are not alone with our joys and sorrows. Our emotions mean something to others: some people find lessons in them; others charge themselves with optimism, while others find hope.

Olena KARAVAI, music teacher:

I felt many positive emotions when I was exploring this photo exhibit. We are often squeezed into a certain framework by life, so that we simply have no time to notice a great many beautiful things. We usually try not to ignore other people’s joys and sorrows, but our daily hustle and bustle often makes us do just that. Looking at these photos, you see life as a whole; you see pictures that inspire empathy. What you see you will remember long afterwards. The Day’s photo exhibits always hit the mark in one’s heart. I would like this tradition to continue because these photo shows convey so much good cheer to viewers.

Of course, there is a negative aspect. There is no way to avoid it. It is part of our life, so it is necessary to learn to see it and sympathize with it. The pictures of the flood are very impressive. When you see these events on television, all the negative aspects stop gnawing at your heart. When you look at these photos, you receive a signal: wake up, come to your senses! Such signals are necessary to prevent our souls from becoming calloused. I was especially impressed by the pictures that were taken by children, including “Educated Goats” and others. The photographers also captured our politicians’ most revealing moments, like in “God’s Dew,” where they are portrayed good-humoredly, without any coarseness or humiliation.

Yurii YAREMENKO, editor of Kamufliazh Magazine:

I have attended The Day’s photo show every year, and each time I have noticed positive dynamics. This exhibit shows the whole palette of Ukraine; it has elevated feelings, good humor, and grief, of course. This time I thought the show was dominated by positive feelings. I was very pleasantly impressed by the children’s photos. Their works are sincere, interesting, and witty. I especially liked the red tomcat in one of the children’s pictures. I believe this photo exhibit should be seen by more people, so there should be more publicity. These pictures are creative works that reflect all of Ukraine. The photographers’ professional level is simply amazing, and every year it keeps rising.

Mykhailo RYZHKOV, operations director of Kozyrna karta:

The subjects of the photographs are strikingly diversified. What I saw is proof of the photographers’ professionalism. In our monotonous life we see light in different ways; often we simply fail to notice simple, banal things. Look at this picture: a child is crying, but probably from sheer joy. Life is beckoning to this first-grader. My overall impression from the photo show is positive. I’m an optimist, which is why I began examining the photos of the flood in western Ukraine and ended up exploring the children’s photos. I especially loved the red cat, and I took pictures of many photos.

Lesia SAKADA-OSTROVSKA, 1+1 Channel journalist:

I really enjoyed this photo exhibit. I love photography; it’s a romantic art and it also reflects our real life. Spotting and capturing its inimitable moments takes a real artist. A number of pictures were remarkably witty both in terms of their subject matter and their captions. Captions amplify and sometimes alter the image — or even mock it. I got positive emotions from every second photo. The series of pictures about the events in Georgia is very painful. They make your heart ache. Many other photos make you feel happy.

Denys PODIACHEV, member of the Ostroh Club of Young Intellectuals, Kharkiv:

This is my second visit to The Day’s photo exhibit. This year’s show impressed me much more than the last one. Nearing its end, this year has been marked by considerably more tempestuous events, than last year, unfortunately they were sad events: wars, calamities, and the economic crisis.

The Day’s photo show has won the reputation of being a kind of index of the condition, moods, and ideas of Ukrainian society. As a young political scientist, I can say that in many respects my expectations tallied with the themes reflected in the photos displayed at the Ukrainian House. However, I did not expect the onslaught of emotions that I experienced when I was exploring the exhibit.

I would like to thank Mrs. Larysa Ivshyna for allowing our society to sense its moods and problems with the aid of her photography show, especially when sometimes printed words are unable to convey this message. It’s a shame that this year one photo received several awards, while others that were as worthy went unnoticed by the sponsors. I hope they are appreciated by visitors to the show and readers of The Day.

Oleksii KOSTIUCHENKO, M.A. (Documentation and Information), Ostroh Academy National University:

I have attended The Day’s photo exhibit for a number of years. Some parts were shown at Ostroh Academy National Uni­ver­sity, where I once studied.

The profound concepts re­flected in these pictures, which have been created by true masters, allow us to see the world from a different angle and those moments of life that you fail to register in the hustle and bustle of daily routine. Looking at the photos on display, you become convinced that there is something in everything, in every moment of life that appeals to you personally. In fact, I believe that sometimes even articles in the press do not have the kind of the conceptual payload that these photos have.

After studying these pictures, you become much more observant. You pay a great deal more attention to all the processes, actions, and phenomena that are taking place in the world. I know many people who took up photography after visiting this exhibit.

I would like to thank Larysa Ivshyna, the editor of The Day, for organizing this show, which has allowed many talented people to reveal their creative potential and make their names in Ukraine.

Viktoria SKUBA, student, Faculty of Political and Information Management, Ostroh Academy National University:

Now that I have finished my course at The Day’s summer journalism school, everything relating to this newspaper has become dear to me. Needless to say, I was very excited about the 10th anniversary photo exhibit. It was a special event for me, the editors, and the staff, as well as for my alma mater. After all, everybody at my university was involved in one way or another. In fact, some students of Ostroh Academy took part in the photo competition. I was happy to see that a number of other organizations and noted personalities were involved in the project. The Day’s traditional photo competition has become another symbol of the contemporary intellectual elite. The photos make us ponder spiritual topics, elevated subjects. They convey someone else’s emotions, which become our own.

What makes this photo competition important is that it reveals moments from the life of Ukraine we still don’t know. It draws attention to important events that somehow we have failed to notice. The photo exhibit is similar to The Day’s Ukraine Incognita Library Series. Such projects serve to consolidate us, bringing us closer to each other. The more competitions, the greater the number of people who take part in them, and the faster the problem of the missing national idea — or Ukrainians’ perception of the world — will be resolved.

Yulia DOVHAN, member of the Ostroh Club of Young Intellectuals, Odesa:

What makes me happy is the fact that politics is not the only subject in our country. There are many other aspects. There are people who create works of art, and those who strive to convey them to Ukraine’s culturally starved citizenry. Joys and sorrows are something you cannot describe in writing, something you can’t compare with anything else; something you can’t tell anyone else. Only a camera handled by a professional can capture the moment when emotions are born. I wish there were more such projects aimed at teaching people how to see and understand things.


Dear Friends,

Congratulations on the 12th anniversary of your newspaper. Today, like many years ago, The Day is one of Ukraine’s leading dailies. This is only natural because your newspaper always finds room for different views and debates on the most topical issues of today. The popularity and civic importance of your newspaper is the result of the efforts of your determined and truly creative team, which is made up of talented professionals who are aware of their responsibility to their readers and supporters, and aware of the value of the printed word. Together with you, Ukraine has experienced a lot: victories and achievements, hardships and trials. Throughout all these events The Day has remained a prestigious and trustworthy periodical whose readers look forward to getting the latest issue every morning. On this festive date I would like to wish the staff good health and every success.

Arsenii YATSENIUK, Chairman
of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

* * *

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the opening of your photo exhibit. I am convinced that it has both creative and state-building value.


* * *

On behalf of the Rector’s Office, faculty, students, and post­graduate students of Na­tio­nal Mining University, allow me to congratulate you on the opening of your jubilee photo exhibit and the 12th anniversary of your newspaper. Twelve years is not a long time, but in our dynamic world it is long enough. The history of your newspaper’s advent in Ukraine’s information space is graphic proof. Your special awareness of the times and professionalism are what make your newspaper’s analytical and thematic sections, photography shows, and encounters with students so fascinating. On this special day I would like to thank you for your dedicated work. Keep up the good job. Stay devoted to your cause, the interests of Ukraine. Stay professional in the context of the new times. A new era is opening up for our Ukraine.

Respectfully yours,
H. H. PIVNIAK, rector and member
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

* * *

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the 12th anniversary of your newspaper and the 10th anniversary of your photography exhibit. Your paper is popular in Ukraine and far beyond its borders. On your pages every reader can find interesting information that is diversified and exclusive. The photo competition, book publishing projects, and readers’ conferences initiated by your newspaper are always popular in many parts of Ukraine. The people of Chernivtsi still remember your photo exhibit. Your two anniversaries coincide with the 600th anniversary of the first written historical mention of our city. I hope that our cooperation will continue. I am convinced that your creative team will continue to amaze their supporters with new projects and ideas. I wish you every success. May all your plans come true! May the number of your readers and subscribers continue to increase! I wish you and yours good health and well-being.

Respectfully, Mykola FEDORUK,
Mayor of Chernivtsi

Photos by Borys KORPUSENKO