• Українська
  • Русский
  • English
Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

This day in history

7 December, 2010 - 00:00

1900: Kateryna Bilokur, folk artist of Ukraine, is born in Poltava oblast.

1917: The US declares war on Austria-Hungary.

1921: The RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR sign an interim agreement with Austria in Vienna.

1940: The Ukrainian Canadian Committee is formed.

1941: The Imperial Japanese Navy attacks the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour, crippling US naval power.

1944: The Convention on International Civil Aviation is signed in Chicago. In 1996 the UN proclaimed this date to be the International Civil Aviation Day.

1970: Poland and West Germany sign a treaty to normalize relations between the two countries in Warsaw.

1988: Armenia sustains an earthquake measuring 6.9 on the Richter scale, causing considerable material damage and loss of life.

2004: Secretary of State Colin Powell declares that the United States support the development of democracy in Ukraine and Georgia.
