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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

This day in history

13 September, 2011 - 00:00

1848: Lviv University launches a Ukrainian [Ruthenian] language chair headed by Yakiv Holovatsky.

1866: Ukraine’s first Odesa-Balta railroad starts functioning, marking the beginning of active railroad construction in Ukraine (1866-79).

1892: Music college opens in Odesa (currently known as Nezhdanova State Conservatory).

1911: Socialist Revolutionary Party member Dmitri Bogrov fires two shots at Pyotr Stolypin at the Kyiv Opera House, mortally wounding Russia’s prime minister.

1921: Radnarkom of the Ukrainian SSR adopts a decree placing under state protection the Ancient Greek town of Olbia in the Crimea.

1951: The First Ukrainian Conference of Peace Supporters is called to order in Kyiv, establishing the [KGB-supervised] World Peace Committee.

1959: Soviet rocket Luna-2 lands on the Moon.

1983: The Ninth International Congress of Slavists ends in Kyiv.
