1848: Lviv University launches a Ukrainian [Ruthenian] language chair headed by Yakiv Holovatsky.
1866: Ukraine’s first Odesa-Balta railroad starts functioning, marking the beginning of active railroad construction in Ukraine (1866-79).
1892: Music college opens in Odesa (currently known as Nezhdanova State Conservatory).
1911: Socialist Revolutionary Party member Dmitri Bogrov fires two shots at Pyotr Stolypin at the Kyiv Opera House, mortally wounding Russia’s prime minister.
1921: Radnarkom of the Ukrainian SSR adopts a decree placing under state protection the Ancient Greek town of Olbia in the Crimea.
1951: The First Ukrainian Conference of Peace Supporters is called to order in Kyiv, establishing the [KGB-supervised] World Peace Committee.
1959: Soviet rocket Luna-2 lands on the Moon.
1983: The Ninth International Congress of Slavists ends in Kyiv.