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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

A discussion for the sake of discussion?

The First International Oil Summit starts in Kyiv
15 September, 2011 - 00:00

This is the first event of such a scale taking place in Ukraine. According to TSN, 300 experts of higher level in various segments of the oil market of Ukraine and foreign companies have come to the capital in order to discuss the situation in the oil market, as well as to discuss the dynamics of the branch’s development.

The experts included the Ministry of Oil and Energy of Ukraine, Ministry of Transport and Connections of Ukraine, Ukraine’s Ministry of Finance, Ernst & Young Company, as well as the largest oil companies of Ukraine.

The summit’s program envisages the speeches of the heads of the leading oil companies of the world and discussion of the burning issues of the market’s developing. Besides, within the framework of the meeting the national prize “Oil Company of Ukraine of 2010-11,” the only professional award granted for the achievements in the branch of the oil market of Ukraine, will be awarded.

Hennadii RIABTSEV, deputy head on scientific work at the scholarly-technical center “Psykheia”:

“In my opinion, the name of this event is not correct, because a summit is a meeting of the heads of corresponding ministries at the least. And this is a meeting of high-ranking officials and bankers. The former are ‘painting’ in bright colors the situation we have in the oil sector, whereas the latter try to bring to the officials a more real picture for attracting investments. Unfortunately, they have not been able to come to terms, because the officials cannot guarantee a favorable investment climate, and bankers are not eager to put money to the black box of the vast number of the projects of the Ukrainian oil sector, because they will not profit from them.

“I am absolutely positive that there is no sense to hold meetings if there is no result. And the results of the meetings in the oil and gas sphere have not shown much in the previous years. An apparent argument is that no forum in the energy sector has ever ended with signing any agreements. This is a discussion for discussion’s sake. No serious lobby agreements have ever been made at these meetings.

“This is namely the reason why experts do not practically take part in these forums, because they take no interest in them, as it is impossible to hear anything new there. Even those rare wishes expressed by the participants of these meetings to the officials do not become a program of actions or turn into real go-vernmental steps. And there is no necessary feedback from the state, because it has no demand for the expert-analytical information, which is a result of non-systemic approach. Regrettably, the state lacks any vision of the branch as a single object of management.”

By Alla DUBROVYK, The Day