The facts of torturing and killing animals in Ukraine are shocking the world. What has happened? Where is so much cruelty from?
Getting prepared for Animal Protection Day, to be marked on December 10, we set ourselves a goal to find some positive examples in the cities or towns of Ukraine, when humans and animals are living together harmoniously: the former take a respectful attitude to the latter and the latter do not hinder the former. Unfortunately, we failed to find this kind of examples. Yes, there are civic organizations and refuges that save animals from cruel treatment all over Ukraine, but only a few of them are in fact dealing with the consequences of societal savagery. Almost nobody cares for humaneness.
“Even compared with the previous years, the ‘adoption’ of animals occurs far more seldom,” says Lilia Yemelianenko, coordinator of the GMOME city center of mini-refuges, known to Den readers as contributor to the column “I Want to Go Home” about abandoned animals who need home comfort and care. So are we still below the norm?
Naturally, societal atmosphere begins with an individual action, such as bringing food to a stray animal refuge, making a birdfeeder, setting aside a rifle and taking up a photo camera… Such simple actions may “set right” a few more people around.
Here are excerpts from the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Cruelty to Animals” passed in 2006:
“Refuges shall be established for keeping homeless animals.
“Animal refuges may be established by central executive bodies, local government bodies, businesses, institutions, and organizations, irrespective of the form of ownership, civic and charitable organizations, and individuals.
“Animal refuges may be funded by their owners as well as by any other lawful sources.
“Local budgets may allot proper funds to establish animal refuges and off-set the expenses borne by animal refuges, irrespective of the form of ownership.
“The treatment of animals shall be free of:
– using the appliances and devices that may injure animals;
– forcing animals to perform actions that are unnatural for them and may result in injuries;
– beating and inflicting injuries on animals in order to force them to fulfill any demands;
– using animals in the conditions of excessive physiological load, etc.”