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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert


12 May, 2004 - 00:00


B.A. in history, Oklahoma State University, 1973

A.M. in history, University of Michigan, 1978

Ph.D. in history, University of Michigan, 1981

LANGUAGES: English, Ukrainian (fluent), Russian (good), Polish, German (reading)


1977-1981. North American Study Center for Polish Affairs, Ann Arbor, MI: Compiler, Studium News Abstracts (later Studium Papers).

1978-1980. Teaching Fellow, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

1981-1984. Postdoctoral Fellow, Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Worked with Robert Conquest on project to study the Ukrainian Famine.

Summer 1984. Visiting Professor, Harvard Summer School; Director, Ukrainian Famine Oral History Pilot Project.

1984-1986. Research Associate, Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University. Conducted independent research and directed Institute’s weekly seminar.

1986-1990. Executive Director, US Commission on the Ukraine Famine. Directed daily operations, administered, raised funds, researched and drafted reports for and findings of a US government hybrid commission consisting of four Congressmen, two Senators, three Cabinet-level Presidential Appointees, and six public members, chaired by Rep. Daniel Mica and later by Rep. Dennis Hertel.

1990-1991. Senior Fellow, Nationality and Siberian Studies Program, Harriman Institute for Advanced Study of the Soviet Union, Columbia University, New York.

1992-1993. Research Fellow, Ukrainian Research Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

1993-1994. Consultant, Project Ukraine, Institute for American Pluralism, American Jewish Committee, Chicago.

1993-1996. Supervisory Research Associate, Institute of Ethnic and Political Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

1995-2004. Professor of Political Science, Kiev-Mohyla Academy National University, Kyiv. Courses taught: Ethnopolitics (B.A. program), Politics in the US and Canada (M.A. program), and Politics of East and Central Europe (M.A. program).

1997-2004. Consultant, The Day (Den’ English weekly digest, with weekly column).

2001-2002. Professor, International Christian University, Kyiv.

Courses taught: Introduction to Political Analysis, Ethnopolitics.


American Association for Ukrainian Studies, Secretary-Treasurer (1991-93), Board Member at Large (1993-1995).

International Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide (Jerusalem), Council (1985-2004).

Deputy Editor in Chief, Political Thought (1994-present).

Editorial Board, Ukraine (1995-1999).

Editorial Board, Journal of Ukrainian Studies (1988-1990).

Editorial Board, Suchasnist’ (1984-1991). Editorial Council (2000-2004)


First Knight of Ukraine, Zhynocha Hromada (Women’s Community of Ukraine),

1993. Suchasnist’ Prize for the journal’s best article of 1995 in the category of scholarship or publicistics, 1996


“Mace, James,” Encyclopedia of Ukraine, ed. Danylo Struk. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Buffalo, London, 1993. Vol. III, p. 262.


1. Communism and the Dilemmas of National Liberation: National Communism in Soviet Ukraine, 1918-1933. Harvard Series in Ukrainian Studies, Cambridge, 1983.

2. (co-authored with Oksana Procyk and Leonid Heretz), Famine in the Soviet Ukraine, 1932-1933: A Memorial Exhibition. Harvard College Library, Cambridge, 1986.

3. (principal writer with Olya Samilenko) US Commission on the Ukraine Famine, Report to Congress. US Government Printing Office, Washington, 1986.

4. (compiled and edited with Leonid Heretz) The Oral History Project of the Commission on the Ukraine Famine. 3 vols., US Government Printing Office, Washington, 1990.

5. (co-authored with Mai Panchuk) Natsional’nyi komunizm: Trahichni iliuziyi (National Communism: Tragic Illusions), Institute of Ethnic and Political Studies, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, 1997 (actually published in 1999).


1. “Politics and History in Soviet Ukraine, 1921-1933,” Nationalities Papers, X:2, Fall 1982.

2. “The ‘Ukrainian Problem’ and How Stalin Tried to Solve It,” Russia, No. 5-6, 1982; Russian translation in SSSR: Vnutrenie protivorechie, No. 6, 1982.

3. “The Komitety Nezamozhnykh Selyan and the Structure of Soviet Rule in the Ukrainian Countryside,” Soviet Studies, XXV:4, 1983.

4. “The Man-Made Famine of 1932-1933: What Happened and Why,” The Great Man-Made Famine in Ukraine, ed. Ukrainian Weekly. Svoboda Press, Jersey City, 1983.

5. “Editor’s Introduction,” Olexa Woropay, The Ninth Circle: In Commemoration of the Victims of the Famine of 1933. Harvard University Ukrainian Studies Fund, Cambridge, 1983.

6. (Round table with Robert Conquest, Dana Dalrymple, Michael Novak) The Man-Made Famine in Ukraine. American Enterprise Institute, Washington & London, 1984.

7. “A Case of Genocide,” Quadrant (Sidney, Australia), April 1984.

8. “The Man-Made Famine of 1933 in Soviet Ukraine,” Toward the Understanding and Prevention of Genocide: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Holocaust and Genocide, ed. Israel Charny. Westveiw Press, Boulder & London, 1984.

9. Statement and testimony. US Senate, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, Hearing: Collectivization and Its Impact on the Ukrainian Population and on Soviet Agricultural Productivity. US Government Printing Office, Washington, 1984.

10. “Historical Introduction,” Ewald Ammende, Human Life in Russia (reprint edition). John Zubal, Cleveland, 1984.

11. “Famine and Nationalism in Soviet Ukraine,” Problems of Communism, May-June 1984; Spanish translation in Problemas Internacionales, 1984, No. 6.

12. “Reply to S. G. Wheatcroft,” Problems of Communism, March-April 1985.

13. “The Man-Made Famine of 1933 in Soviet Ukraine,” Famine in Ukraine, 1932-1933, ed. Roman Serbyn and Bohdan Krawchenko. Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Edmonton, 1986.

14. “The Famine of 1933: A Survey of the Sources,” Famine in Ukraine, 1932-1933, ed. Roman Serbyn and Bohdan Krawchenko. Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Edmonton, 1986.

15. “The Politics of Famine: American Government and Press Responses to the Ukrainian Famine, 1932-1933,” Holocaust and Genocide Studies (Jerusalem), III:1, April 1988.

16. “Efforts and Findings of the Commission on the Ukraine Famine,” Rider College Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center: Occasional Paper Series, No. 1, July 1988.

17. “Genocide in the USSR,” Genocide: A Critical Bibliographic Review, ed. Israel Charny. Mansell, London, 1988.

18. “Sovjethistoriografie en de hongersnood van 1932 en 1933” (Soviet Historiography of the Famine of 1932-1933), Gorbatsjov en Stalins erfenis: Witte plekken in de sovjetgeschiedenis, ed. A.P. van Goudover and B. Naarden. H&S Uitgevers, Utrecht, 1989 (in Dutch).

19. “The Famine of 1932- 1933: A Watershed in the History of Soviet Nationalities Policy,” Soviet Nationality Policies: Ruling Ethnic Groups in the USSR, ed. Henry R. Huttenbach. Mansell, New York & London, 1990.

20. “The American Press and the Ukrainian Famine,” Genocide Watch, ed. Helen Fein. Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 1992.

21. “National communism,” Encyclopedia of Ukraine, ed. D. H. Struk. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Buffalo, London, 1993, vol. III.

22. “Purges,” Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. IV.

23. “Ukrainian Communist Party,” Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. V.

24. “Ukrainian Institute of Marxism Leninism.” Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. V.

25. “Ukrainization,” Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. V.

26. “Union for the Liberation of Ukraine,” Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. V.

27. “How Ukraine Was Permitted to Remember,” Ukrainian Quarterly, XLIX:2, Summer 1993.

28. “Vysnovky ta perspektyvy doslidzhennia holodomory 1933 roky” (Conclusions and Future Prospects in Studying the Famine of 1933), Suchasnist’, 1993, No. 4, in Ukrainian.

29. “Voices of Suffering,” Ukrainian World, II:3-12, March-December 1993; simultaneously published in Ukrainian and German.

30. “Zacharovani kolo idola, abo Pro totalitaryzm i henotsyd v istorii Ukrainy” (The Idol’s Magic Circles, or On Totalitarianism and Genocide in the History of Ukraine), Literaturna Ukraina, March 31, 1994, in Ukrainian.

31. “Pravo diial’nist ta diial’nist prava” (The Right to Activity and the Activity of Law), UNIAN-Polityka: Ohliady, komentari, prohnozy, October 18-24, 1994.

32. “Burkhlyvyi dukh rozstrilianoho vidrodzhennia — Mykola Khvyl’ovyi” (The Stormy Spirit of the Executed Rebirth — Mykola Khvyl’ovyi), Suchasnist’, 1994, Nos. 11 & 12, in Ukrainian.

33. (With Valentyn Yakushyk, Charlotte Watson, and Kostiatyn Maleyev) “Corruption as a Social Phenomenon,” Political Thought, 1994, No. 4; simultaneously also published in Ukrainian and Russian. Reprinted in English and Ukrainian versions of The Political Analysis of Postcommunism, ed. V. Polokhalo. Politychna Dumka, Kyiv, 1995; reprint: The Political Analysis of Postcommunism, ed. V. Polokhalo. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, TX, 1997.

34. “The Geopolitical Implications of Ethnopolitics,” Political Thought, 1995, No. 1; simultaneously also published in Ukrainian and Russian. Reprinted in English, Ukrainian, and Russian versions of The Political Analysis of Postcommunism, ed. V. Polokhalo. Politychna Dumka, Kyiv, 1995; reprint: The Political Analysis of Postcommunism, ed. V. Polokhalo. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, TX, 1997.

35. “Politychni prychyny holodomoru” (Political Causes of the Great Famine), Holodomor 1932-1933 rr. v Ukrayiny: Prychyny I naslidky: Mizhnarodna naukova konferentsiia, Kyiv, 9-10 veresnia 1993 r.: Materialy (The Manmade Famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine: Causes and Results: An International Scholarly Conference, Kyiv, September 9-10, 1993), Instytut istoriyii Ukrayiny Natsional’noyi akademiyi nauk Ukrayiny, Kyiv, 1995, in Ukrainian.

36. “Politychni prychyny holodomoru v Ukrayiny, 1932-1933 rr.” (Political Causes of the Great Famine in Ukraine, 1932-1933), Ukrayinskyi istorychnyi zhurnal, 1995, No. 1, in Ukrainian.

37. “Ukrayina naperedodni Druhoyi Svitovoyi viiny” (Ukraine on the Eve of World War II), Ukrayina u Druhii Svitovii viini: Uroky istoriyi i suchasnist’. Materialy mizhnarodnoyi naukovoyi konferentsiyi (27-28 zhovtnia 1994 r.). Instytut istoriyii Ukrayiny Natsional’noyi akademiyi nauk Ukrayiny, Kyiv, 1995, in Ukrainian.

38. “Federalizm i unitarna derzhava v praktytsi Zakhodu” (Federalism and the Unitary State in Western Practice), Rehional’na polityka Ukrayiny: Kontseptual’ni zasady, istoriia, perspektyvy. Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychna konferentsiia 10-11 lystopada 1994 r. Institute of Ethnic and Political Studies, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, 1995, in Ukrainian.

39. “Lenin bez Ukrayiny, abo Dmytro Volkohonov iak dzerkalo rosiis’koyi demokratiyi” (Lenin Without Ukraine or Dmitrii Volkogonov as a Mirror of Russian Democracy), Suchasnist’, 1995, No. 4, in Ukrainian (awarded prize as the journal’s best popular scholarly article of the year).

40. “Soviet Man-Made Famine in Ukraine,” Genocide in the Twentieth Century: Critical Essays and Eyewitness Accounts, ed. Samuel Totten, William Parsons, Israel Charny. Garland Reference Library of Social Science, vol. 772, New York & London, 1995.

41. “Socialist Models of Ukrainian Statehood,” Political Thought, 1996, No. 1, in Ukrainian, English, and Russian; an extended version, “Socialist and Communist Models of Ukrainian Statehood” appeared in Ukrainian Statehood in the Twentieth Century, ed. O.Derhachov. Politychna Dumka, Kyiv, 1996.

42. “Miy shliakh v Ukrayinu” (My Path to Ukraine), Horoskop dlia s’ohodni i zavtra (Horoscope for Today and Tomorrow. Liudmyla Taran, ed., Rada, Kyiv, 1996.

43. “We’re All Your Children, Ukraine,” Passport to the New World, March-April 1996.

44. “Ukraine Rediscovers Its Past,” Passport to the New World, March-April 1996.

45. “U poshukakh vtrachenoho rozumu” (In Search of Lost Intelligence), Holos Prosvity, April 1996.

46. (with Valery Soldatenko) “Mykola Skrypnyk,” Ukrayins’kyi istorychnyi zhurnal, 1996, Nos. 2-3.

47.“Sotsial’no-henetychna spadshchyna henotsydu i totalitaryzmy v Ukrayiny ta shliakhy do yiyi podolannia” (The Social-Genetic Legacy of Genocide in Ukraine and Ways to Overcome It), Politolohiia, Etnolohiia, Sotsiolohiia: Dopovidy ta povidomlennia III Mizhnarodnoho kongressu ukrayinistiv. International Congress of Ukrainian Studies, Kharkiv 1996.

48. “Povist’ dvokh mist” (A Tale of Two Cities), Den’, February 27, 1997.

49. “Rozbyty iatsia ne skleyity” (You Can’t Put Humpty-Dumpty Together Again), Nash chas: Fermers’ka hazeta (Our Time: A Newspaper for Farmers), February 21, 28, and March 7, 1997.

50. “Communism in the Postcommunist Period,” Political Thought, 1997, No. 4, in Ukrainian, English, and Russian.

51. “Blukannia labiryntom abo dysfunkstional’nist’ ukrayins’kykh elit” (Wandering in the Labyrinth or the Dysfunctionality of Ukrainian Elites), Suchasnist’, 1997, No. 3, in Ukrainian.

52. “Dysfunktsional’nist’ ukrayins’koho suspil’stva” (The Dysfunctionality of Ukrainian Society), Instytut natsional’nykh vidnosyn i politolohiyi NAN: Ukrayins’ky Naukovi zapysky. Zbirnyk (Academy of Sciences Institute of Ethnic and Political Studies: Scholarly Notes. Collection), 1997, No. 1; as “Blukannia labiryntom abo dysfunkstional’nist’ ukrayins’koho suspil’stva” (Wandering in the Labyrinth of the Dysfunctionality of Ukrainian Society), Visti z Ukrayiny, August 21,1997.

53. “Tiahlist’ inertsiyi, abo komunizm i postkomunizm v Ukrayini” (The Pull of Inertia or Communism and Postcommunism in Ukraine), Suchasnist’, 1997, No. 7-8, in Ukrainian. Reprinted in Ukrayina na mezhi tysiacholit’: Zbirnyk. Tovarystvo Ukrayina, Kyiv, 1998.

54. “Rol’ holodomoriv v istoriyi pidradians’koyi Ukrayiny” (The Role of Famines in the History of Ukraine Under the Soviets), Holod 1946-1947 rokiv v Ukrayini: Prychyny i naslidky. Mizhnarodna naukova konferentsiia. Kyiv. 27 travnia 1997 r. Materialy. Kyiv, 1998.

55. “Zemlia na krovi,” Den’, November 14, 1998 (Ukrainian and Russian). Translated as “A Land in Blood: Have We the Courage to Recall the Manmade Famine?,” The Day, November 24, 1998; abridged version in Kyiv Post, December 1, 1998.

56. “Ukraine on the Threshold of the New Millenium: Keynote Address,” Towards a New Ukraine II: Meeting the Next Century: Proceedings of a Conference held on October 2-3, 1998 at the University of Ottawa, ed. Theofil Kis and Irena Makaryk with Roman Weretelnyk. Chair of Ukrainian Studies, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, 1999.

57. “Mizh dvoma svitamy,” Den’, March 27, 1999 (Ukrainian and Russian). Translated as “Between Two Worlds,” The Day, April 6, 1999.

58. “Svoboda naklepu, abo Naklep na svobodu,” Den’, July 31, 1999 (Ukrainian and Russian). Translated as “Freedom of Libel or Libel of Freedom,” The Day, August 10, 1999.

59. “Holokost pochynavsia v Ukrayini,” Den’, January 29, 2000 (Ukrainian and Russian). Translated as “The Holocaust Began in Ukraine,” The Day, February 8, 2000.

60. “Proty techiyi, abo Pro reformy i virtual’nu ekonomiku,” Den’, March 28, 2000 (Ukrainian and Russian. Translated as “Against the Current, or On Reform and the Virtual Economy,” The Day, March 28,2000.

61. “Obzhynky smerti” (Bacchanalia of Death), Literaturna Ukrayina, June 29, 2000. Originally published as introduction to Asotsiatsiia doslidnykiv holodomoriv v Ukrayini (Association of Researchers of the Manmade Famines in Ukraine), Portret temriavy: Svidchennia, dokumenty i materialy u dvokh knyhakh (Portraits of Gloom: Oral Histories, Documents, and Materials in Two Volumes), Vydavnytstvo M. P. Kots’, Kyiv-New York, 1999.

62. “Ideolohiia ta utopiia: Shchodo knyzhky Oleksandra Suhoniaka ‘Ukrayina: povernennia do sebe” (Ideology and Utopia: On Oleksander Suhoniako’s, Ukraine: Its Return to Itself), Nasha vira, 2000, No. 8 (August). Shortened version in Zerkalo nedeli/Dzerkalo tyzhnia, August 12, 2000 (Review essay in Russian and Ukrainian).

63. “Ukrainian Genocide,” Encyclopedia of Genocide. Israel Charny, ed. ABC Clio: Santa Barbara, Denver, and Oxford, 2000.

64. “Facts and Values: A Personal Intellectual Exploration,” Pioneers of Genocide Studies, eds. Samuel Totten and Steven Leonard Jacobs. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick and London, 2002.

65. “Is the Ukrainian Genocide a Myth?”, Canadian American Slavic Studies (special issue): Holodomor: The Ukrainian Genocide 1932-1933, XXXVII:3, Autumn 2003.

66. “Vyznachennia ukrayin’koiu diasporoiu 50-richchia holodomoru” (Commemoration by the Ukrainian Diaspora of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Holodomor), Holod 1932-1933 rokiv v Ukrayini: Prychyny ta naslidky (The Famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine: Causes and Consequences), ed. Volodymyr M. Lytvyn, et. al., Naukova Dumka, Kyiv, 2003.

67. “Dial’nist’ Komisiyi Konhresu SShA z vyvchennia holodu v Ukrayini” (The Work of the US Commission on the Ukraine Famine), Holod 1932-1933 rokiv v Ukrayini: Prychyny ta naslidky (The Famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine: Causes and Consequences), ed. Volodymyr M. Lytvyn, et. al., Naukova Dumka, Kyiv, 2003.

68. “Henotsyd” (Genocide), Entsyklopediia modernoyi Ukrayiny (Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine), Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, in press.


have appeared in the following periodicals:

Canadian-American Slavic Studies

Canadian Slavonic Papers

Harvard Ukrainian Studies

International Journal of Oral History

International Migration Review

Journal of Ukrainian Studies

The Los Angeles Times

Nationalities Papers

Soviet Studies

The Ukrainian Quarterly

Ukrayins’kyi istorychnyi zhurnal


English language digest of Den’ since January 1998, usually also in Ukrainian and Russian since mid-2001, Kyiv, Ukraine.

(James Mace’s biography courtesy of Morgan WILLIAMS)
